Enjoy Brian's Annex

Where Yesteryear's Treasures Arise

Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com

Online Bible King James Version

Internet Headline #1

Noah's Ark Located
In Saudi Arabia

Property Of Whole World
(Deuteronomy 29:29)

Everyone's Ancestors Survived On Board
American Indian Ancestors On Board Too!
(Raven And Dove)

          E-mail or photocopy this page for friends.   Here are URL's direct to this site:

                    [In North America]


                    [In Europe]

Internet Headline #2

Noah's Ark Rests
Atop Ancient City Of Cain
City Called "Chanoch"
(Genesis 4:16-17)

The Koran Calls It "Al-Judi"
(Sura 11:44)
Located East Of Eden
(Not In Mountains Of Eastern Turkey)

Internet Headline #3

Tell Noah
Fabulous Preflood Site

(Nearly 40 Miles On A Side)

Start At Point A Then Go West About 3 Miles.
Be Very Observant Before Passing Point B.

Point A
28° 29' 13.2" N
38° 46'   7.5" E
Point B
28° 29' 13.2" N
38° 43'  58"   E

Internet Headline #4

Tell Noah
Archaeology's Paradise


Filled With Ancient Records,
Priceless Artifacts, Gold, Silver,
Gems, And Preflood Temples

Internet Headline #5

Tell Noah
Located 62 Miles North Of
Tayma', Saudi Arabia
East Of Submerged
Valley Of Eden

Internet Headline #6

Tell Noah
In Midst Of Harrat (Har-a-rat)
A 1,000 Mile Long Mountain Of Lava
Stretching From Mecca To Damascus

Internet Headline #7

The Glory Of GOD
With First Holy Ark
Noah And Survivors

Habakkuk 3:3 Explains:

          "GOD came from Teman (Arabic Tayma') and the Holy One from mount Paran (the ornament in the desert of Arabia ... Noah's Ark atop 'The Hill' of Pisgah surrounded by ravines of Pisgah and springs of Pisgah)."

(Both Holy Arks may be seen in Ezekiel 12:3-7 vs 8-12)

Internet Headline #8

Valley Of Eden
Ancient Clay Map
In Iraqi Museum
Reveals Location

Internet Headline #9

Tell Noah

Site initially identified in 1983 by father-son team:

George and Dana Brown
P.O. Box 320932
Cocoa Beach, Florida
USA              32932-0932

          Web Pages Deal With:  Preflood Edenic Valley, Dynamics Of The Flood, City Built By Cain, Measures Of Noah's Ark, Chronology Of Noah's Journey, Location Of Noah's Ark, And More.

Scripture Says:

Noah's Ark Is In Arabia


          Those propagating intriguing stories of ancient ships (baris) wrecked in the mountains of Eastern Turkey may well have located a whole armada; but, not one is Noah's historic vessel. And people will never see it as long as they continue visiting the wrong places.

          Check out this web site and you'll know exactly where Noah's ark is in Saudi Arabia.

          Habakkuk 3:3 tells readers that "the ornament in the desert" (Paran) is near Tayma', Saudi Arabia.   Furthermore, the Koran says, Noah's ark came to rest atop Al-Judi which is slightly north of modern Tayma'.

          Remember, the Koran tells readers to pay heed to the Torah, the Gospels, and not to make a distinction between the Prophets.   So, when Noah's ark is uncovered the world will know that the Koran is also a part of the Word of GOD.   People just have to put it all in context.


Page Directory:
Noah's Ark, City Built By Cain,
and Edenic Valley Exploration (EVE)

          In North America   [In Europe]:

    1. MOUNT ARARAT: A 1,000 Mile Long Mountain Of Lava. Explains the dynamics of The Flood.   [In Europe]

    2. NOAH'S ARK AND TREASURES OF THE RED SEA: The Overall Layout. Begins fitting pieces together.   [In Europe]

    3. NOAH'S ARK A FLOATING CITY: Measuring Noah's Ark. Compares the City of Noah with the Levitical City measures.   [In Europe]

    4. THE HISTORIC JOURNEY: Noah's Voyage In 1655-1656 From Creation. The chronology of The Flood describes the sequence of events. The origin of all postflood peoples.   [In Europe]

    5. THE PREFLOOD ERA'S SIN CITY: The City of Chanoch (Founded By Cain). Describes Noah's ark as a great howdah upon the back of Al-Judi as The Koran explains matters.   Noah's Ark, the great howdah, came to rest atop Chanoch East of Eden.   It's a treasure chest waiting to be opened in the midst of Hararat.   [In Europe]

    6. SELECTED VERSES FROM THE LEGEND OF THE FISH:  Prophecy foretold that man's fables would move and anchor Noah's Ark to the high mountains.   [In Europe]

    7. FURTHER CONFIRMATION OF NOAH'S LANDING SITE: Archaeology's Paradise. Elaborates on what may be found.   [In Europe]

    8. WHO WILL BE NEXT TO VISIT NOAH'S ARK:  Finding It Is Easy.   Why wait for Spring Break?   Will college students beat the pros?   [In Europe]

    9. THE ANCIENT NUZI MAP:  Oldest Known Map of Preflood World.   Shows locations of cities in Edenic Valley and City of Chanoch, built by Cain, East of Eden.   Details explained.   One map is worth 10,000 words.   [In Europe]

    10. ORIGIN AND DATE OF NUZI MAP:  The preflood Nuzi Map dates itself.   [In Europe]

    11. LOCATING NOAH'S ARK AND THE CITY OF CHANOCH:  The Sequence Of Events:  [In Europe]

    12. MAP AND FIRST PHOTOS OF THE LOCATION OF CHANOCH:  Photos taken 21 January 1999 by Mohammed M. Baarmah of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.  [In Europe]

    13. LOCATING THE NUZI MAP - PROS AND CONS:  Points to examine affirming the identity of the Edenic Valley situated beneath the Red Sea.  [In Europe]

    14. CHANOCH'S WATER SUPPLY:  People can't live without water.  [In Europe]

      • PART I:  The hidden water supply:  Cain found it.   The source investigated.   Understanding the Bosporus.   Submerged fresh water systems.   [In Europe]

      • PART II:  The unique Black Sea basin.   Bathymetric maps of the Black Sea and the deep hole in the center of the Black Sea.   The Red Sea.   The significance of Cain's Water Supply.   [In Europe]

      • PART III:  Incomplete measures.   Chernobyl.   Ukraine's Nuclear Farms.   Common sense.   Reports:  re:  radiation levels in the Black Sea.   Who should be concerned.   Time to act rather than sleep.   [In Europe]

      • PART IV:  Terrible Tragedies:   Getting To The Problem (a summary) and The Problem Comes To Victims (people worldwide are subject to consequences).   [In Europe]

    15. MAPS OF RED SEA:  Shows both the Red Sea for comparison with the Nuzi Map and the modern city of Tayma' South of the City of Chanoch, the landing site of Noah's Ark.  [In Europe]

    16. SEARCHING OUT THE CRADLE OF HUMANITY:  Eden and East of Eden.   A second look at events.   Woolley's conclusion applies today.   Back to the cradle of humanity.   The search for the City of Aad in the Edenic Valley and the City of Chanoch East of Eden, in the desert North of Tayma', Saudi Arabia.  [In Europe]

    17. EVE (EDENIC VALLEY EXPLORATION):  A proposal for an International Consortium (an association, partnership, and fellowship for a common venture) for the Edenic Valley Exploration (EVE) situated beneath the Red Sea.   This link leads viewers to the Index Page of this site.  [In Europe]

    18. REFINING THE SEARCH FOR NOAH'S ARK:  After reconsidering findings including evidence in photographs (See item 12) this alternate approach is offered as a more probable approach to finding Noah's Ark.   Searchers now have something more specific to look for.   [In Europe]

    19. FOUR ANCIENT RIVERS:   [In Europe]


Stupendous Web Pages!

Continue On To: MOUNT ARARAT

Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA          32932-0932
         Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com