Enjoy Brian's Annex

Where Yesteryear's Treasures Arise

Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com

Reentering Temple History - B         

Basic Points To Remember
(With Supplementary Material)

Stroll Into The Solomonic Temple
(See Items 5 Thru 9)

    1. Four ancient Temples were built in Jerusalem not counting the Dome Of The Rock and the al Aqsa Mosques:

      1. Solomon's Temple was built west of the Valley of Ben Hinnom (Jeremiah 19:2; Joshua 15:8) (i.e. less than a mile west of the Dome Of The Rock).

      2. The second Temple was built by Zerubbabel in the days of Nehemiah.   This Temple was erected on the Western Hill atop David's Tomb well north of the traditional tomb overlooking the elbow of the Hinnom.

      3. The third Temple, Herod's Temple, was built beneath the mound under the modern Moslem Quarter east of the Damascus Gate and considerably north of the phony traditional mount.

      4. Roman Emperor Hadrian's pagan Temple was built on the site excavated by Bar Kochba to acquire earth to conceal the remains of Herod's Temple from Hadrian.   This site eventually became the phony traditional mount.

    2. The first three Temples conformed to a common design and each was destroyed in a similar manner that preserved the respective inner Temple complex:  The golden entry tunnel, The Holy of Holies, The golden stair cases, And the royal throne room (Jeremiah 30:18).

    3. Each of the three Temples were built within one quadrant of a relatively large, tri level, domed amphitheatre, the seating for the people, called "the city" and "the mount of Olives."   Note:  olives represented the seats and the people.

    4. Jesus' whole experience beginning with the Last Supper unto His death and resurrection took place within the Herodian Temple amphitheatre including the Temple itself.   Therein, Jesus ate the Passover Supper, was then taken prisoner, was condemned to die, was crucified, died, and was buried in the unused Holy of Holies of Herod's Temple from which He resurrected.

    5. The preserved remains of each of the three Temples may be reentered in a matter of hours, days, or weeks depending on conditions of the water-sewer and other tunnels.

    6. King Zedekiah escaped beneath King Nebuchadnezzar's forces via the Solomonic Temple's water-sewer system that empties into the north-south arm of the Hinnom Valley.   That is, the easiest reentry into the preserved remains of the Solomonic Temple is to retrace Zedekiah's exit route.   That is, follow the water course from the Sultan's Pool (called Dragon's Pool, Serpent's Pond, and Pool of Siloam) to the gas barrier wall separating the sewer side from the sweet water.   This wall forms the base of the Tower of Siloam and may be about six cubits (9 feet ?) thick.   Then after clearing sand and silt from the passage through the wall one can pass through an opening under the surface of a pool at the base of the gas barrier wall.   Therefore, after ducking under the water and emerging on the sweet water side you will be at the immersion pool, the Temple bath house, directly beneath the Holy of Holies and the Tower of Siloam.   Steps should lead back and upwards to the blocked entry into the Tower of Furnaces, blocked by tons of rock and debris.   Therefore, continue following the water-course to a second stairway leading up to a hatch opening into an alcove (exedra) under the golden staircase.   This hatch should be perhaps less than 100 feet from the gas barrier wall.   However, be aware that the tunnel continues for nearly another half mile to the spring feeding the Gihon.

                O.K., after opening this hatch and entering the alcove (exedra) you are now inside the preserved remains of the Solomonic Temple from which King Zedekiah and his men exited about 2,500 years ago.   Even the bones of Zadok the High Priest should be found in the Holy of Holies where GOD'S Holy Ark had resided for 397 years.

                Note:  As one commences to follow up the tunnel, the water course from the Sultan's Pool, one may encounter an outer wall or gate designed like the gas barrier wall.   Scripture speaks of this outer wall as the gate between the walls (between the tunnel side walls) (II Kings 25:4).   So searchers may have a double set of walls with a pool at the base of each through which they must duck under in order to gain entrance via the Temple water-sewer system while working upstream.   The pool at the base of these walls may appear to be springs bubbling from deep beneath the ground; however, in reality the water is coming from a higher source on the opposite side of the wall as the water periodically siphons from a series of cisterns which create the gushing action described by "Gihon."

    7. Note:  The reentry passageway up the water-sewer tunnel traverses from the Sultan's Pool northwest for about 2,000 feet and then due west for a short distance to the gas barrier wall.   Once through the gas barrier wall the tunnel continues west until west of the porch from where it again turns northwest to the springs feeding the Gihon.

    8. Also, the Solomonic Temple will be found facing west; whereas, Ezekiel's Temple in these end days will face east.

    9. The Temple sewer system appears to be a main collection drain from:

      1. The Temple Complex.

      2. The court before the Temple including the blood drains beneath the altar.

      3. Wastes from the animal pens beneath the court before the Temple.

      4. Restrooms of the great amphitheatre.

      5. Sewage from the Levitical City surrounding the great amphitheater.   Therefore, there could be a maze of passageways leading into the main water-sewer course in the dungeon (dung ... eon) beneath the Temple.

    10. Items of possible interest:

      1. Texts on the Copper Scroll which describes hiding places of about 60 caches of Temple treasures located within the Solomonic Temple complex.

      2. The Medaba Map (dated c. 562 A.D.) shows that the Phony traditional mount was not then mounded up and that a Roman Gate exists beneath where the phony traditional East Gate now stands.

      3. Robinson's Reports and particularly "Robinson's Palestine" that describes his visit to Jerusalem in 1838.

      4. The Biblical Book of Haggai contains special promises for the Temple builders in these end times.

      5. Scripture describes "the Holy Mountain" west of the Valley of Ben Hinnom (Joshua 15:8; Jeremiah 19:2).

    11. Now, Bar Kochba, leader of the third Jewish revolt, rebelled against Roman Emperor Hadrian (c. 132-134 A.D.).   Thus, when Hadrian returned from Egypt and commenced rebuilding Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina, Bar Kochba and his followers hid in the Herodian Temple's remains and attacked Hadrian by night.   Bar Kochba obviously didn't use the water-sewer route ... there was little sense in getting soaked while coming and going each night or even getting one's feet wet.

                So, if you were Bar Kochba how would you hide the Herodian Temple entrance from Hadrian?   Yes, if you were Bar Kochba how would you conceal from Hadrian and his men a "great white elephant" in the midst of an open field, in a valley, in plain sight of everyone?

                Actually, Bar Kochba's concealment persists even unto today. Yes, people are constantly all around it still; yet, people have not recognized it for what it really is! Again, how did Bar Kochba conceal that tunnel entrance?   We know, do you?

    12. Note also, when Bar Kochba and his men were exiled from Jerusalem, the exile applied to all Jews and lasted 190 years until Byzantine Emperor Constantine rescinded Hadrian's ban (c. 324 A.D.).   However, Bar Kochba and his followers apparently left all sorts of historic records and artifacts within the preserved remains of Herod's Temple.   They too await the reentering of Herod's Temple as people soon begin Reentering Temple History.

    13. Through usage the altar is defined as a bound stone, a marker stone, a witness, a pillar, etc.   And the altar upon the ancient Stone Of Abel is key for locating the Solomonic Temple (Isaiah 19:19-20; II Samuel 20:18; I Samuel 6:18; 7:12).

    14. Also, Stonehenge is a very significant altar or bound stone built by the children of Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh (Joshua 22:9-10,25-29).   Stonehenge helps explain GOD'S Testimony regarding the blessings upon Manasseh (Genesis 48:20) depicted by British, European, and the United States' prosperity as this world approached these end times.

    15. Temple Locations:
The Locations Of The Temples In Jerusalem

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Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA          32932-0932
         Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com