Brian's Theatre Presents



Fight Fire With Fire

The Battle
(Part XI)

Whoredom Reigns On Capitol Hill


          The Setup:  This nation is a nation under GOD, at least that's what our forefathers preached.   And, I guess they're right as GOD owns the North and the South and everything in between.

          The Challenge:  Now, if every member of the U.S. Congress were put in a position of being required to take an oath under penalty of perjury concerning their compliance with GOD's marriage laws versus dwelling in whoredom ... most would all lie, lie, and lie.   They would even debate GOD'S marriage laws, contend with them, and substitute their redefined perversions of GOD'S marriage laws for the true in efforts to sanctify and conceal their whoredoms.

          Exposing The Truth:  Let's face it, many are blatantly living in whoredom under GOD'S marriage laws:  paying their harlots liberal sums, giving them room and board in luxurious homes, clothing, food and drink, automobiles, yachts, jewelry, bank accounts, raising their harlot's children, paying for their educations, providing them with liberal allowances, etc. etc.   Essentially they are paying their prostitutes enormous sums and giving them myriad "gifts" while calling them "wives."   But, again, under GOD'S marriage laws they are clearly living in whoredom and will do anything to conceal this fact from their constituents and from the people of this nation, many of whom are doing the very same sinful things.

          The Unchanging Law:  Remember, SEX WITH A VIRGIN IS INSTANT MARRIAGE, for eternity if they are amongst the righteous.

          Any man who takes a non virgin as a wife while her true husband still lives is living in whoredom under GOD.   There is no such thing as premarital sex under GOD.

          Again, SEX WITH A VIRGIN IS INSTANT MARRIAGE.   That little law has never, never, changed.


          Volunteers Are Invited:  So, how many members of the U.S. Congress are willing to take an oath before GOD and swear that their wife was a virgin when they "married" her? ... that they are not living in whoredom with another man's wife? ... that they are not hiding behind the Talmud that falsely says it's O.K. to lie in some situations?

          And, how many female members of Congress will swear that they have been true to that first man?   Oh, it's none of anyone's business!   Huh!

          Witnesses Abound:  O.K., let's subpoena each of their "wives," both past and present.   Put them under oath too!   Publicly ask them about their virginity, their trysts, their "gifts," their clothing, their illegitimate children, etc.   Make it all a matter of public record.   Threaten each with 25 years in Federal Prison if they don't talk, talk, and talk.

          Yes, and don't forget the female members of Congress.   How many husbands have they had? ... are there others?

          Oh, we could spend 50 million dollars investigating each to make sure they're all telling the truth and prosecute them for perjury.   Let's bring them all before Grand Juries and leak the progress to the media, moment by moment, and detail by detail.   We cannot tolerate law breakers making laws in our august legislature.   "The law is the law and no one is above the law" according to The Honorable Bill McCollum, Ken Starr, and others.

          Remember, "common law" has existed for millennia; and, never forget, those shotgun weddings enforced that ancient law when someone took their daughter's virginity.   Everyone knows this or at least they've heard about it.

          Yes, why limit investigations to Congress:  there's the whole Supreme Court, the Justice Department, and an endless supply of lawyers (officers of the court).   Why not start with Ken Starr, Janet Reno, and Bill McCollum ... I'm sure that the public would love to hear the dirt.   Why not include Alan Greenspan, the heads of the Stock Exchanges, and a few Media Executives too.   My oh my, this could go on and on for generations.   There goes the budget surplus!

          Smile, whoremongers on Capitol Hill have been going home to their harlots every night while impeaching Billy Clinton for doing far less.   Just ask Louis Freeh.   Federal Agents have been collecting and manufacturing blackmail material for years complete with photographic proof.


          There's A Reason Behind The Setup:  Remember, a man may enter several virgins and therefore have several wives; but, a woman has but one virginity and therefore can have only one true husband.   Yes, Gideon, Jacob, David, Solomon, and others had multiple wives pursuant to GOD'S marriage laws.   Some even took concubines to wife too.   The term concubine applies to the pseudo wife whose true husband is dead.   Note:  the concubine's legitimate children always, legally (under GOD), belong to the true husband even though he is dead.   David and Solomon, of course, are most famous examples.   David is the legal son and heir of Mahlon of the lineage of Ephraim; whereas, Solomon, the seed of David, is the legal legitimate son of Uriah the Hittite of the lineage of Heth, son of the cursed Canaan.   Down through history Solomon's children have played a very unique role that's still evolving today.   Then too, how many are aware of "David's" role in these End Times (Psalm 89:19-37; etc.)?


          No One Will Be Rushed:  If the Scriptures are correct, people who reject GOD'S laws will have plenty of time to contemplate their wrongdoings.

          There's 1,000 Years To Think About It:  That is, everyone can add 5 plus 1995 to get 2000; thus, the Third Millennium from the 5 BC Birth of Christ began in the Spring of 1996.   And, everything foretold for the Third "Day" also applies to The LORD'S Day, the Seventh Millennial Day from Creation.   O.K., that special 1,000 year-day wherein all sorts of things have been foretold got underway back in the Spring of 1996.

          Oh, it was introduced during 35 years of special severe tribulations now underway wherein even the dead are to be raised, then there's the great 1,000 years of tribulations that began in the spring of 1996, and for those who still don't wise up there's 500 more years of misery to be added before they get another chance to escape an eternity of desolations.   So, if the Scriptures are correct, this 70 year life-span is only a brief preview of what's ahead.   And the transition is only getting underway.   Smile!   How many will be amongst the Little Flock, the First fruits of Revelation 14:1-5?

          None Are Exempt:  As the Sixth Millennial Day came to a close, man's double portion on the Sixth "Day" should be very, very obvious and reason for everyone to take a second look in that mirror.   And, the entire body of the U.S. Congress, the Executive, the Judiciary, the Pope, the preachers, et al are not exempt.

          Treason, Treason, Treason:  Since whoredom openly prevails on Capitol Hill, why have certain members of Congress, Ken Starr, et al aggressively pursued Bill Clinton for doing far less than their own evil ways?   Could their treasonous actions be to protect vile operations of International Organized Crime (I.O.C.) outlined in Brian's House which include the theft of GOD'S Holy Ark (Zechariah 5:4)?

          Smile, the consequences for some will persist for 1,000 years, for others 1,500 years, and for the multitudes eternity.


    1. Start with the MENU at Brian's Theatre:

    2. Scan through the Figures at the end of each page.   They provide an interesting chronological sequence that focuses on evolving events during the 46 year turning point now underway and continue on through the next 1,500 years or more to come.

    3. The Texts in Rooms 1 through 4 of Brian's Theatre should be of particular interest since they explain what's going on in plain and simple terms.

    4. Then visit Brian's House and Brian's Annex via hyperlinks at the bottom of each menu:

        Brian's House:   Goliath's activities and the gang making it all possible.   Scripture then speaks of Goliath's demise and also elaborates on events of these End Times.

        Brian's Annex:  Great treasures awaiting recovery.

Leak This To The Media

Tell the Press Corps:  "This came in the E-mail.
You might want to look at this!"


Fig. 22 of Several                

Voices Of The Seven Thunders

The Seven Thunders Begin


2003 AD

2010 AD
|   | .4 4 I.  

2 1 |
6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015
A. |   |  
1 1/6 1 1/6 1 1/6 1 1/6 1 1/6 1 1/6
  | 3.5 Years | 3.5 Years |

Each Thunder Continues
Unto The End Of The
Tribulations, i.e. Thru 6021

Begins To

See:  Fig. 15 For The Entire 35 Years Of Severe Tribulations And The Layout Of The Severe Tribulations.

The Seventh Trumpet (The Last Trump) Is
The Seven Thunders.
And The Seventh Thunder Is
The Seven Plagues.

The Seven Seals Were Loosed,
The Trumpets Sound,
The Thunders Speak,
And The Plagues Are Poured Out.


The Thunders Now Speak

  1. The 144,000 stand with the Lamb:  The Firstfruits unto GOD and to the Lamb before the Thunders begin to speak (Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1-5; Jeremiah 31:8).   Whereas, the Great Multitude mentioned in Revelation 7:9 are very noticeable by their absence.   Whereas, Revelation 7:14 explains:  "These are they which came out of the great (the 1,000 year) tribulation...."   That is, the Great Multitude come out at the end of the 1,000 years.

  2. Gospel is preached to all nations and peoples (Revelation 14:6-7).   Note:  If all were amongst the righteous, all would know and understand Scripture at this point (Jeremiah 31:33-34; Psalm 89:34).   That is, all excepting the dead now resurrected should understand Scripture.

  3. This corrupted world is fallen (Revelation 14:8).

  4. A final warning (Revelation 14:9-13).
    Blessed are the dead which die in the LORD from henceforth.

  5. The Harvest of the earth, The Tares, begins (Revelation 14:14-16; Matthew 13:30).

  6. The harvest of Tares continues (Revelation 14:17).

  7. The harvest of Tares intensifies (Revelation 14:18-19).

  8. The Seventh Thunder is The Seven Years of Plagues now added to the Tribulations (Revelation 10:7; 15:1-8; 16:1-21).   Note:  At this point Salvation is to be closed (i.e. cut-off from The Tares) and the Plagues begin (Daniel 9:26).

  9. From D. unto H.:  Here the 1600 furlongs (Revelation 14:20) (normally a measure of distance, 1/8th mile) apparently refers to a measure of time (cycles).   That is, a 360 degree complete cycle or a 365 day cycle equal 4.44 to 4.38 years of severe bloodshed or great consternation ... to obey or not to obey.   Thus, from the end of 6014 (when Salvation closes) backing up 4.4 years brings us to the fast of Atonement (10th day of 7th month) of Atonement Year, i.e. 6010 from Creation.   So, from shortly after D begins unto when H begins, one can anticipate a very tumultuous 4.4 years.

The 35 Years Of Severe Tribulations Herald
The 1,000 Years Of Great Tribulations.


Continue On To: PART XII
(Forces Serving The Combatants)
Return To: MENU At Brian's Theatre

Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA          32932-0932