Brian's Theatre Presents


Online Bible King James Version

Modern Day Terrorism

The Battle
(Part IV)


          When one examines the 1897 Protocols, the basic plan involved establishing a behind-the-scenes world government whose dictatorial ruler was to reign by force and terror.   However, the throne of the Sixth Kingdom reigning over this world, beginning when King Solomon was anointed, really hadn't realized their true position.   Nevertheless, those reigning upon the world throne did recognize that they had been granted special powers from GOD.   How else were they blessed with power, riches, wisdom, strength, honors, glory, and blessings (the seven spirits of GOD:  Revelation 5:6,12)?   (Also see:  Luke 4:5-7; Daniel 2:28,37-38).   Even the Protocols brag of this power (Protocol 22; 11:8; 23; 24).

          Yes, a special world throne had been established and those reigning had been admonished to reign righteously or else (Jeremiah 22:1-9).   And, had they reigned righteously they were offered whatever they wanted.   But, if they did otherwise there were severe consequences.

          History now attests that their greed exceeded common sense and their leaders chose promoting disobedience rather than obedience.   Meanwhile, the Scriptures reiterated that the treachery outlined in the 1897 Protocols would come upon this disobedient world.   For example:

          Jeremiah speaks of  "an assembly of treacherous men ... for they proceed from evil to evil ... they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity ... they refuse to know me, saith the LORD ... Shall I not visit them for these things?   saith the LORD:  shall not My soul be avenged on such a nation (people) as this?"

Jeremiah 9:1-9

          Nevertheless, because of humanity's disobedience, the LORD promised to bring such an ancient nation upon disobedient mankind:

          "Lo I will bring a nation upon you from far, O house of Israel, saith the LORD:  it is a mighty nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language (their evil plottings) thou knowest not, neither understandest what they say.

          "Their quiver is as an open sepulchre, they are all mighty men.

          "And they shall eat up thine harvest (your paychecks), and thy bread (what you normally should have), which thy sons and thy daughters should eat (partake of):  they shall eat up (consume) thy flocks and thine herds (your wealth):  they shall eat up thy vines and thy fig trees (everything):  they shall impoverish thy fenced (protected) cities, wherein thou trustedst, with the sword (with your military might)."

Jeremiah 5:15-17

          If one examines history, the Scriptures, and GOD'S marriage laws:  true Israel had been dispersed throughout all peoples, creeds, languages, etc.   Yes, ancient Israel has been totally dispersed amongst all colors, races, and creeds.   Indeed, they went Eastward even into India, China, Mongolia, and beyond; Westward into Europe, the Isles, and the Americas; Southward into Africa and Arabia; and Northward into Scandinavia and Asia.   Yes, ancient Israel was thoroughly dispersed and mixed throughout all races, colors, and creeds (Jeremiah 31:27; Amos 9:9-10).

          Now, in these End Times, the eternal Congregation will inherit the name and title "Israel."   Until then beware of those falsely claiming to be Israel.

          Remember, before the dust settles, true Israel will clearly be identified by the cloud by day and a shining like a flame of fire by night (Isaiah 4:5; 40:5; Leviticus 26:11-12; etc.).   And The Glory Of GOD will clearly reside amongst them.

          Meanwhile, Daniel describes that "ancient nation" as a little horn (power) that came up amongst and displaced the three Southern tribes of Israel:  Benjamin, Levi, and those who called themselves "Judah."

          That little horn spake great words and "made war with the saints, and prevailed against them."

See:  Daniel 7:8,11,20-24;

          Isn't that what International Organized Crime (I.O.C.) has been doing?

          "And in the latter time of their Kingdom (the land of the North), when the transgressors are come to the full (when everyone's transgressing), a King of fierce countenance (I.O.C.), and understanding dark (evil) sentences (schemes), shall stand up (be seen).

          "And his power shall be mighty (extend world wide), but not by his own power (but by powers from GOD:  Daniel 4:17):  and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice (at the expense of the people), and shall destroy (corrupt), the mighty and the holy people.

          "And through his policy (scams and schemes) also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself (declare himself honest and upright) in his heart (as evidenced by the 1897 Protocols), and by peace (prosperity) shall destroy many:  he shall also stand up against (oppose) the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken (destroyed) without hand."

Daniel 8:23-25

          As world ruler on the throne over the Sixth Kingdom, that world power even instigated and propagated wars to obliterate liabilities to repurchase bogus receipts sold to the naive public.   Thus, they have killed and maimed, destroyed homes and properties, demolished businesses and industry, etc. ... all in the process of completing their thievery.   They also conducted vile experiments:  one even generated artificial hyper inflation such as in Germany in 1919-1921 and myriad lesser inflations in nations throughout the world ... all to satisfy their ends.   They even fostered all sorts of vile, oppressive, and thieving operations as evidenced by the scams described in Brian's House.   Volumes have been written about their activities and people involved.   Yet, no corrective actions were ever taken.

          Thus, their world throne had indeed existed until these end times.   And their agents could do virtually as they pleased.


          When people's homes and properties are destroyed through natural disasters, people pick up the pieces and carry on the best they can.   "It's all beyond human control" is the common view.

          In the case of wars it is basically the same concept except victims tend to blame the nations and their leaders and not those hidden behind-the-scenes.   Neither do the victims blame the military.   The soldier in the field generally was there because he was sent nor do they blame the aircraft crews dropping bombs to kill and to destroy as they were crewed by virtually invisible people.

          However, when the enemy invades a land, seizes homes and property, holds victims in economic poverty, and exercises tyrannical domination while falsely claiming GOD given rights to their victims' properties ... the victims have a very visible enemy.   And when the tyrannists falsely claim to be doing so in the guise of a religion and are supported by members of that religion world-wide ... then that religion and all members thereof become a part of the visible enemy oppressing and terrorizing their victims.

          Whereas, the true enemy International Organized Crime (I.O.C.) operating behind-the-scenes has been using the Palestinian peoples, for example, as an experimental prototype testing responses of the people to tyrannical dominion as set forth in the 1897 Protocols.   However, people around the world have steadfastly reacted against the oppressors ... even resorting to rocks against bullets and tanks.

          Nations protecting and aiding the revived Nazi lebensraum practiced by the vile invaders are also recognized as the enemy and rightly so.   People who seize the properties of another while backed by armed might are no different than the armed murderer, thief, or bully.   And laws of civil nations grant the right to all citizens to use even deadly force to prevent a forcible felony and to oppose such actions.   In fact, if people don't come to the aid of victims then they too are no different than the murderer, thief, or bully.   Just put or imagine yourself in the victim's position.

          Thus, the undeclared war in the Middle East has persisted for more than 50 years and the victims are still fighting back with whatever.


          Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), an Italian Statesman of yesteryear, is known as a spineless serpent of an individual espousing the denial of relevance of morality in political affairs, that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing and maintaining political power and political opportunism.   Similarly, those supporting International Organized Crime, The Gang, clearly subscribe to Machiavellian principles as they serve, protect, and join the wickedness of those engaged in thievery, murder, and in the deprivation of their myriad victims.

          Machiavelli's book "The Prince" (1513) is undoubtedly in Kenneth Starr's library although hidden behind The Bible for appearance sake.   But actions speak louder than words.   So, Kenneth Starr obviously is not alone in that Satanic city of Washington, D.C.   Yes, ask Bill Clinton; ask US Congressman Dave Weldon and any other member of the US Congress; ask those in the Justice Department; or those in any of the other Departments, Bureaus, etc.   And remember ... it all flows downhill.

          "... the most High ruleth in the Kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men."

Daniel 4:17


          GOD has decreed three successive world thrones that began with Solomon and Solomon's children.   Revelation 17:10-11 speaks of them as the Sixth (Judah), the Seventh (two Kings or Kingdoms), and the Eighth.   Today, the Seventh has dominion and is charged with cleaning up the corruption engendered by those who reigned until GOD'S Holy Ark was taken prisoner (Genesis 49:1,10; Daniel 4:30-31; Zechariah 5:4; etc.).

          The two Kings (families or powers) to reign over the Seventh Kingdom reign simultaneously and consecutively.   That is, the second King (power or horn) will become higher and comes up last ... after the first breaks the ice (Daniel 8:3).   How would an ancient Prophet describe both Christianity and Islam (the two families) and the world leader within each?   Daniel 11 describes the North and the South as two Kings; but, are they really the North and the South?

          So far, the first King has been protecting terrorism both at home and abroad and he wrongfully condemns the victims as terrorists when they fight back.   Yes, he's pretending to be "a good guy."   And, he also pretends that International Organized Crime doesn't exist; yet, they murdered both his friend Vince Foster who was digging into SCAM #2 and his mother who made sure he knew about the vile scams. One got the bullet while the other got the biological cancer treatment.   Oh, well, fall guys took the rap for the murder of Martin Luther King and the assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers.   Even the people responsible for the Waco murders were also ignored.   So, is it any wonder that GOD has allowed I.O.C.'s agents (Kenneth Starr, the Media Moguls, Members of Congress, etc.) to defame and vilify the world leader who, like Saul, refuses to clean house?

          If  I.O.C. has their way he will never get anointed to officially take the world throne even though Billy Clinton went begging to their Council On Foreign Relations on 14 September 1998.   Thus, like King Saul, Bill Clinton effectively committed suicide but Bill Clinton did it before ever really enjoying the fruits of the world throne.

Continue On To:   FIG 15


Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA          32932-0932