Excuse me, that was MY rose AJ!
Ok, this is JenJen and I am writing this as a very angry teenager! Here's the deal...I'm getting right to the point....INNOSENSE SUCKS...now most of u were probably thinking, duh, I knew that before, but I have a "real" reason to hate them now. You see, as most of u already know, I went to the Orlando BSB New Years concert. I brought a rose to give to the boys cause at the first concert they continually came off the stage and we were front row so I had high hopes of handing them the rose, unfortunately they were too busy performing for the camera's to care, but that's another story. So I ended up throwing my rose to Nick on stage unfortunately since I have bad aim (lol) and it hit his arm and fell onto the nearby speaker. Then the Innosense hoe (Amanda) TOOK it. I was pissed off cause it was sooo not intended for her. THen the lil bitch gave it to AJ. Normally I would have looked at this whole senario as optimistically as possible cause, hey, he did GET the rose. However, my partner in crime, Cloud, found this web site where the person wrote a review of the concert. In it she/he said that when she gave him the rose he said "I love u babe" and she was like I love u too. Well, that did it....SHE SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT HER OWN FREAKIN ROSE! What kind of sick, twisted person gives their boyfriend a rose that was from someone else, I mean a fan, geez! She just went over, picked it up and gave it to him (after holding it for like 10 min.) Ok, so now your probably wondering, what is her point? Well, alot of this was to vent...my friends found this whole incident very funny, needless to say, I didnt. My other point is, I'd like this bit of info to get to AJ somehow, so if u talk to him on a regular basis, please e-mail me and let me know. I'd like someone to inform him that the rose was NOT from Amanda, it was from ME! Ok, thats enough, thanx for your time...JenJEn
Email: jen_nsync@hotmail.com