Check this Out!

Ok, here's the deal...I want to include some stuff by the people that read this, I'll give u a question and the person who responds with the funniest and best answer will have their answer posted on this page...or, if u just have something funny to say, I could put that in another section, k!

Here's the newest question: If u were to go on a date with your favorite N Sync or BSB guy, where would u go and what would ya do?

Heres the old question: What is it about teenyboppers that irritates u the most? Thanx everyone!

NOTE: u can respond to either

RESPONSES: "hmmm...the most annoying thing? That they paint themselves all spirit is one thing....." -Jennifer (my buddy:) *lol* thanx chica...guess what ur first!

"What is it about teenieboppers that irritates me most? That's easy-That they're stuck up little preppies that have nothing better to do than listen to Hanson and diss everyone that doesnt like their taste in music! Simple. -A nice person that e-mailed me

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