Welcome to the Hellmouth/Harvest Sounds
Season 1 Sounds
Buffy Theme Song
Buffy-Hi.I'm Buffy
Buffy-Cause it's the wierdest thing....
Giles-I'm a watcher.
Giles-I don't understand this attitude.
Buffy-I never said I wouldn't slay another vampire....
Giles-You really have no idea what's going on do you..
Angel-Don't worry. I don't bite.
Buffy-What do you want. Angel-Same thing you...
Buffy-Who are you..
Buffy-Seize the moment. Cause tomorrow you might be dead
Buffy-You need a personality stat
Buffy-This guy..Dark, Gorgeous in an annoying sort of way
Buffy-First of all what's with the outfit. Live in the now. Okay you look like DeBarge
Buffy- Now we can do this the hardway...
He's a honey-
Harvest Sounds
Willow-Oh, I need to sit down. Buffy-You are sitting down. Willow-Oh good for me.
Xander-I don't like vampires. I'm going to take a stand and say they're not good.
Buffy-Opps. I'm sorry. Were you in the middle of something.
Email: nolesrule@angelfire.com