Meet Anahata
I met Anahata / Tigress on July 18th, her <censored>
birthday and I knew right away that we would
be more than friends.
When we met online she was calling Ladyg
"sis" so I became her online Step-brother. On the night
we met she asked why I did not just consider
her a sister and I mentioned something about an aversion to
incest. After spending so much time with her in July and
August I consider her a true sister and one
of my best friends.
She is as funny and intellegent as she
is warm and loving. I hope to see her be very happy
soon. She deserves the best that the world has to offer.
.....and HOPPER
Hopper's Page...give it a good look - It is beautiful
On August 7th Anahata and I traveled together to Kansas to see someone
very close to her and to meet Hopper.
On a hill that stretched as far as I could
see I met her. A wonderfully witty and imaginative lady who took care of
more than the pain from the sunburn in my legs. I came
away from Hopper's with most of what I left home
in search of. A sense of myself and where I fit in the world.
She is an amazing lady who manages to have a spiritual
presence even in the moonlight against a backdrop of
endless stars.
I will return to see both
of these ladies as often as I can as I travel because
they make me feel good when I am with them