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Why Did I Understand What the Bird's Said This Morning???

Why Did I Understand What the Birds Were Saying This Morning??????
Did I dream this too????

c1998 Ms Holly

Once long ago in half awakening and sleep in my dorm room when I had been praying a great deal...I found myself able to understand what my Chinese roomate was saying in Chinese but I shut it off...for it bothered me to be able to do what was abnormal and went back to sleep...

Right before the beginning of the problems with the gulf beginning again I found myself having many many dreams about people being consumed by the desert to become the desert and to have lost all the light of life from their have become the desert walking and their feet were the sands of the desert...not too long after these dreams stopped we were in the gulf again...

This morning I was awakened by birds in my I have never heard in my was giving a warning to me very loudly so I whistled back when I was half awake...and then what the birds were talking about changed...and what I could make out was this...

Soon the people of the world will have another great war as they usually do when the world gets too crowded anywhere...and we shall have lots to feast upon again as their dead bodies lay in the fields...we shall feed upon the flesh on their bones and the bugs that eat at the flesh of their dead bodies...we shall have a great feast...

But even the birds seemed scared for they seemed to argue about if they knew that there were other possiblities too...such that they may not be able to survive to feast upon the bodies of the dead...

It was a great and massive discussion they had in my yard where I could here and understand just some as I was half awake and half asleep...

What does this dream mean?
I went to Dream Central and they told me some of what this dream meant... if you are looking for answers to your dreams do stop by here...
Visit Dream Central! All
about dreaming!

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