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He stepped into the garden. God had warned all his children the asexual angels against such a thing. But he stepped in..maybe it was curiosity, maybe it was a level of awareness he wanted and had not achieved yet. Angels are complete as they are..completely satisfied neither male nor female but more like both without the need for the greed associated with genetics. Capable of complete sharing with other spiritual beings.

There in front of him was the tree, or was it the right one. He looked deep inside the tree the one that could bear fruit. It was in full bloom. It was the tallest one there. Surely that was the one that had been placed in the garden the one that everyone had been warned about...time in this dimension was not as humans percieve over laps....

The little girl approached God and told God someone is violating the rules. God looked down and smiled because just her presence there showed that something incomplete had made its way into heaven from the garden.

He looked at the tree and all of a sudden it became like a mirror. He saw himself in the mist like mirror in front of him..then all of a sudden the mist passed through him and on the other side of him stood a little girl who looked just like him. He had no idea what he had done yet...they sat there looking around. She saw a flower and he looked at it. Then a spider crawled over the flower spun a web while she was mesmerized by the spinning of the web. A beautiful butterfly got trapped in the web and she still watched. The spider crawled over to the butterfly and she cried out in horror at what she saw and was learning. She looked up and the boy had gotten up to leave. So she followed him out of the garden.

The wisdom of trees had passed on again. Good or bad it was passing on.