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ISOS 92000




Chapter 10

© 2/6/00


Hey Earl! Look here on the screen in the Alpha 1 sector of this satellite it is finally showing some sign of metal deposit.

Oh Ok, another dig me a spot bit and no show...This lump of barren worthless rock is not going to pay out and the company is going to cut our paycheck greatly for you suggesting that we mine this spot.

Aw common I know you are just space sick and suffering from dimensia we have only been out 14 months this is nothing. Remember how long it too for us to find the crystal deposit back on the other sectors we obtained mining rights? Besides this is a share profit deal. No profit then no share. Right? All we have lost is some time for the company. This was not expected to be much of a profit maker but it is on the way to another sector that has been scanned carefully and is suppose to have a very rich bachlite deposit.

Earl moved the matter mover over to the spot that was being indicated. He began lasering, cutting, digging and drilling periodically. All of a sudden he heard a loud clanking sound and the equipment shut down.

Oh great what am I suppose to do know a million miles from the nearest repair shop and we are going to loose out on the next major deposit which could give us a few years off from working...Great idea George to stop on the way to check out what you thought would really pay off. Now we cannot even get this out the equipment has shut down.


Well move it back at least and let me see if we can see what it is and retrieve it.

Earl moved the matter mover a bit and stopped. There was a shiney piece of smooth metal showing where he had just dug.

George walked over and reached down into the hole. Lifted it from the hole. It was approximately one third of a meter in length. Not even a Kilogram in weight. He shifted it back and forth in his gloved hands. Walked over to the light that was turned on to help with digging. Earl got out and looked at it with George. They turned it over and over in their hands. There was not even a scratch on it from being hit by the earth mover. All over the outside where imprints that they had never seen before and small pieces of artwork or pictures or drawings or something..they were not sure.

I think we've hit pay dirt. Bet we can auction this off back home for major big bucks...Maybe it does not matter if we can't dig at the next site. I think I will call back to the company and see what they want to do. I heard that another of our crews are in the area and they would probably really like to get that other dig site so let's go back to the ship and call back in. What's the fastest route we can take to get back to the ship?


George and Earl packed up the equipment as fast as they could. They hauled everything back to the ship and George went inside to contact their Space Mining Company.

George walked outside and yelled to Earl.

Say Earl we are allowed to find the maximum bidder because they said back home that the ISO will bid twice as much as any civilian group for any artifacts of any historical worth. I wonder what ship or vacationer left this here years ago when they visited. Doesn't look English looks a bit Arabic or Egyptian.

Thank You Jesus! I can stay home with the kids for maybe a year or longer!

Oh come off it Early you don't really believe in that ancient nonsense do you? Oh well can't hurt anyways if that is what you need to believe and keep on trying. Well let's get this packed up and get on home to the kids and wife!

Go to Chapter 11

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