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ISOS 92000

The Bug



Chapter 11

© 4/11/00


Hey look daddy! Come here and look! Quick before it disappears again!

I don't see anything honey.

Oh I guess I was so noisy I scared it off again.

Next time I will sneak down the hallway and we can sneak back in so you can see it too.What was it?

Oh it was a big electric bug. Really pretty like the bugs I play with on the More Bugs in Boxes game on the computer.

Oh really? And just what color was it or which one?

Ummm, it was kind of like the lady bug bug but it was more green a purple.

How about if you draw us a picture tomorrow so I know what to look for so I can make it go away.

Oh you don't have to do that daddy it is not a mean bug. It likes to tell me dreams at night when I am sleeping.

O.K. but let me just close your window all the way so it does not wake you up again and you can sleep.

But daddy its electronic if it was small it could come in through the lines but this one is really big. Do you really have to close the window?

Yes, angel daddy has to close the window because you have to get up for school in the morning we can't have you not getting any sleep because your little friend is not on a schedule can we?

I suppose so.


Do you think this is a bad thing and we should take her to a doctor to talk about it?

I think it is O.K.. Just like the Cybourg she use to write to on the Internet it is just a phase. As soon as she saw it next door in the wooded lot and no one else could see it she did not write it anymore. Its just another imaginary friend. Probably when she is past the I love bugs phase it will be something else. Come on let's go back to bed it's a little cold tonight and I could use a little bugging myself.



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