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ISO 9200

Genetics in Space 2



Chapter 13

© 1/30/01


      So they had decided to make the long journey through space. They selected as many differing types of DNA possible such that when and if they found a place that was suitable they could set up home again.

      The sun had begun to die. The gravitational fields had begun to move such that some planets were on conflicting orbitals.

      There was no place left to go. Nothing else left to do.

      As the planet died along with all the species and races their hope for a better future for that which they were able to preserve and prepare for the future began the long journey out into the unknow regions of outer space.

      They had spent so much time..actually wasted so much time fighting and destroying that which was best, brightest and most competent in their societies such that when the day came and they realized they were out of time it was too late.

      Too much time had been spent in idle nonproductive civilization destructive perversions. Wars and plagues from uncontrolled population growth and pollution had taken its toll on the planet and its people. There was little else left to do.

      All they could do was send out a computer run system with as much programming and backups as they could imagine to help protect their precious genetics, memories and lessons. And hope that the day this wonderous ship reached a safe haven it could revive a dying worlds species and civilizations.

      The entire civilized people of the planet watched as this parent of their future lifted off taking their hopes dreams and desires with them. To not become mortal but to become immortal by not disapearing along with this solar system.

      They watched it as long as they could as their planet began to be ravaged by the deteriorating orbital and sun of their solar system. Many stopped having children such that they would not perish in such hopelessness. Many chose to go to sleep and not awaken to suffer the consequences of greed and a lack of over all awareness of the consequences that finally were realized. A deep sleep and slumber that would allow them to avoid the earth shattering suffering of the end times.



© 1999 Round Persons' Enterprises