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ISOS 92000
Chapter 3






This I say to you Zeus as scribe and witness to the elves of Ceres - the workers and warrior class of Ceres which we became to know truthfully as the assassins, murderers and mercenaries of the rich aristocracy and dictator class of Ceres....Why should I care what becomes of you and your children that you have spawned here on the planet Earth as it is known. When you left us all to die from the sun growing old when we did all your burdening work and left us there. And I whom was witness to it all...scribe and truth bearer to Aaron Leader of the Elves - whom you tried in a false trial such that I was found guilty so that known would know your awful truth. As you gathered all our riches and filled your star ships...made my people your workers promises, took the Titan miners of our planet and left us helpless behind because all that was known was destroyed such that we could not follow.

I almost expired there in the emptiness away from all energy only able to look upon existence as I drifted away from lack of energy. Captured within a globe of energy which kept out all that would keep me alive only to be forgotten until God and God alone proved that there is a force mightier than thou bearer of genetics of the evil leaders of this Earth. The beings who portrayed themselves as Gods simply such that they could rape and pillage the Earth as lazily as they did us who worked and slaved for you on Ceres. This God who parted the Red Sea such that you went into hiding, this God who showed the Egyptians - whom sacrificed and made offerings to you that you only had to put on shows of such falsehoods to such primitive beings that they were in awe- forsake all of the false Gods who were merely advanced beings of Ceres who came here and left all of us behind to die miserably. Was it not this God who told the Titans the truth about how you enslaved them such that they warred against you? Was it not this God who found me almost completely wasted away in the place where even you had forgotten I existed.

I ask you why should I care that any of the horrid offspring you produced when you blended your genetics with Earth beings filled with selfishness and greed survive?

Because the children of the God who freed me from bondage for eternity reached out and freed me. Not in time to protect my people the Elves but at least in time to make sure that the truth is known such that any of that which is left here on this earth that destroyed our world and made our people suffer so greatly because of your lack of caring, lack of intelligence, lack of honesty and overabundance of greed...for this reason I tell this story. I no longer fear the punishment you can give to us for I have met a much greater force that of truth and honesty, diligence and hard work..and most of all love.

Regardless of what I shall suffer for telling that which I can remember of the truth because of your terrible children and their offspring you have spawned I shall tell the truth for I have learned it is much stronger than the dishonesty you fed my people whom you left behind. Those that worked such that you could leave and survive...genetically if not spiritually.

A time and a date had been estimated to when the great suns of Ceres would collide eventually. We had become so knowledgeable and advanced that we understood a great many things as if we were entertwined as one with the planet, the sun, the universe and even all of the cosmos. I myself, Eeiren, scribe and witness to all that was and all that was to be had at hand all the best of information gathering devices. It was a lengthy job which required intense study. We had gathered great quantities of food, water, and minerals that were collected by the harvesters and the miner species of our planet. We had all evolved independently but still unified as one, interdependent and yet independent to some extent. Those who were leaders lived on the tops of mountains and in the clouds. We had been told we would be gathering soon to leave prior to the suns colliding.

The leaders who were not elves, nor titans nor harvesters who simply lived to give us guidance and help us interact had all ready taken the Titans and the harvesters to the other planet which they had found suitable to sustain life on. It was only us who lived in the woods, and worked for the leaders who were left behind to be taken to the other planet.

I had been looking over the tapes of information when I came upon a clip. It was Hera and Zeus who had been discussing in a opening which they passed through what was to become of the harvesters and the elves.

What use do we have for these elves Hera?

Oh they tend to work very well and help us acquire great wealth and energy. Is it not right to bring them forward to another planet such that we can do as well there?

I suppose this will work well. But we all ready know that the trip is so lengthy that we cannot sustain all of the elves even in stasis. That means that the stores of food will expire and the ability to regrow such foods and retrap energy were not provided for in the design of the ships.

Oh don’t be so naive Zeus. Do you really think that we would feed such lower life forms. They contain so much energy themselves even if they taste so horrid why should we waste them? If we grow short of food we can always eat the elves and it would be easy enough to cover it as a pod malfunctioning. I suppose we shall bring a few back with us to restock the group. We cannot afford to loose the harvesters nor the Titan Miners but the elves reproduce rapidly and can be replaced easily. Such a shame Titans do not reproduce faster they are so much tastier than elves if we should have to make such a choice.

I could not believe what I had seen. I was in such shock. I had to bring it to the attention of Aaron before we left the planet. I was sure if we were not careful that we would be left behind but becoming dinner to the leaders was not any better a choice. I studied the images in the digitized format. I switched from physical to energy form and sought out Aaron.

I found Aaron guiding the workers as they filled the great ships working day and night in hopes to finish all the ships prior to the sun’s of Ceres colliding. All of the harvesters were gone and the Titans. Slowly but surely the elves were leaving Ceres to the planet that had been chosen as suitable with no conflicting upper level life forms. It was said to be nice but not as plentiful in ores as Ceres and the gravity was a bit lighter but basically the atmosphere and composition was similar to Ceres enough such that we could all adapt easily. If there had been more time I am sure there would have been feasting and rejoicing for we had found hope in our great loss of Ceres.

I approached Aaron and asked him to come speak with me in private.

What is it that you cannot discuss with me with everyone around?

Well it’s a bit awkward. Do you mind sir...there is something I want to show you.

Aaron excused himself and appointed someone else to guide everything. I brought Aaron back to the viewing room. I pulled up the imaging source and nothing showed up. I was totally amazed. So I told Aaron what I had seen.

Look Eeiren obviously the project is wearing on you. Maybe I should spare you some of my nonessential fill in workers to help out with the work load.

Oh Aaron you have to believe me. If you don’t believe me at least do not discuss this with the leaders.

A few days later I was tried on 3D television after I had been captured evading arrest. It was false imaging for I had all ready been sent off encapsulated in a nonpenetrable globe such that no energy could enter and sent off way into the darker regions where nothing much existed. They utilized my body form to build the imaging and afterwards I watched as Zeus did his 4D representation where an image of him that was projected into personal living spaces could be touched felt and smelled which of course was always better than the reality. Anyone who had been near the leaders could feel that their aura was not as wonderful nor their smell. I suppose part of such leadership and or entertainment requires such. Such a shame I helped create such programming for our system which was used against me in the end. At least I could hope that some of us would survive.

Aaron sat down and began doing the math after Eeiren had been sentenced to nothingness. He realized that what Eeiren had accidentally found in the tapes had validity and that the stores of food which existed would not be enough to sustain such large numbers of workers even in stasis as stasis could only be sustained for a certain length of time until it was necessary to revive the being and reenergize them.

Aaron slipped amongst the workers quietly and told them of what was about to transpire and what the Leaders had in mind. They all decided they would prefer to remain on Ceres and to try to escape on their own.

A great battle ensued in which a major portion of the Elf population was destroyed and the remaining ships.

The Leaders escaped and left the harvesters behind to fight the war. Until Aaron persuaded them to join forces with them. Ceres two Suns Ioa and Iopa were soon to collide and it required the effort of all who were left such that not all of the elves and harvesters would die. They could not travel to where the Leaders had chosen to go so they had to at the very least have the ability to travel and survive until a suitable planet could be located. All ships that were built as they took off carried with them as many as could be sustained and they gathered all the genetic and life form information of those left behind as best they could. It was a lengthy project. All who were left survived in whole or in part and were regenerated when a suitable time and place was found.

I am sure that the great force of truth and honesty probably found grace with the elves and helped guide them to survive. They found a completely uninhabited planet which could be easily developed for sustaining their life forms and prepared for the day when the past leaders of Ceres would find them.

Go To Chapter 4

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