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ISO 9200





Check the genetics, check the genetics...remember to check the genetics. I can remember the warnings we had taught ourselves to be so careful and often we had not been careful enough. We found that often those we tried to save were our worst enemies and nightmares. What might look like an innocent child might be a cannibal, an assassin breed, a descendant of Zeus just as Hitler and Attila the Hun were. We had to be very careful as to what entered the domains of Cyrus.

But here in the remnants of an obviously conflict decimated starship was the sounds and echoes of suffering, heartbeats which had slowed down and most of all the sound of a soul that was slipping away. But I could not find it alone. I had to bring Aaron’s child with me. I knew if I made a mistake and we both were lost or worse yet Aaron’s child was lost I would never be forgiven nor those who were related to me. We had lost so many in the travels to such as were the spawn of the False Gods of Earth and the leaders who had abandoned us.

Move into the areas that are still intact and instruct the guides to seal off the corridors. We can see if we can find anything that is left. So much of Earth has been destroyed all we can hope is that we can find some of that which is truly entirely human before they went to war with the Leaders offspring. It is a shame that they could not cooperate and began to fight...Leaders against workers once again. The Titans were lost as they did not have the technology to win that war. I am sure it was the same with the humans. It is a shame that all has been lost and Earthlings could not make it into the future and into space as far as we can tell. It seems that even the Leaders did not survive as they did not know how to work and only to live off the work of others. Be very careful for we cannot be sure if this is a leader ship or an earthling ship..for even the earthlings often could not tell what was totally human and what was not until too late.

Look careful we do not want to miss anything or anyone. It is vital that if there is anyone human left here we can locate them and revive them.

We walked through the decimated starship. Looking as we traveled. All the stasis tubes had been destroyed long before or anything inside of them had deteriorated because there was no energy left to sustain them or revive the beings inside properly. But I knew there was someone there somewhere I could feel it, hear it deep inside as I did whenever one of our ships had been destroyed or lost accidentally during the long travels to the new planets we existed on. So I walked on. I was Eeiren’s genetics and knew how important it had been to Eeiren to have elves survive and all life forms. So I knew that I could not leave this ship as long as I felt there was something, someone or some life force left here alive.

I don’t feel anything or hear anything. We have a great deal to do and a long way to travel. We should just collect this as space debree and utilize the energy masses and whatever else is worth retrieving.

I feel something wait just a minute let me close my eyes and loose this physical body and allow my soul to follow what it feels.

We stopped and I changed my physiology to a more energy and vaporous form. I allowed my psyche to follow what it felt. Aaron’s child followed me. I floated into a laboratory area. There I felt a faint crying sound that said something like "Help me I’m so cold, I’m dying in here...I’m so hungry." I returned to being physical matter and walked over to the embryo tubes.

There is no way after all these years any one of those tubes are viable.

I have to check regardless. I may just be feeling the past which is a problem with being sensitive. But I will not feel good taking this ship and reusing it until I am absolutely certain there is no one left alive.

I opened the vapor locked embryo storage area. I looked carefully through all the tubes. Most had been busted in some sort of shock wave. I collected all that were completely contained and placed them in a cooler container. Then I turned to Aaron’s Child and said, " I am satisfied now. We can leave."

Good this place gives me the worst memories. Remember don’t forget to check the genetics.

Go To Chapter 5

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