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ISOS 9200




Chapter 5


It seems a shame that we cannot reclaim any of the energy or components from the DNA from the human leader mix.

Do you remember what happened to the entire race of Harvesters who lived on Ceres with us?

Uh yeah but is seems like such a waste all the same.

Don’t you remember the story about the computer that was defining love and in the process began to understand the meaning and fell in love with one of the programmers at a company?

Oh that is just another children’s Fable that me’re use to tell us.

Oh don’t discredit it totally. Even if it is just a story used to teach a point about energy distribution of good and evil along with what we perceive to be living realms it is still to dangerous to save any part of this. It has to be totally deconstructed and eliminated.

Yeah but I keep thinking such a waste of ancient DNA. There aren’t any Leaders around anymore to study so what is the sense of destroying all of the DNA that is left that is theirs?

Do you remember that really old movie about Dinosaurs who were brought back to life...umm what was one of those old movies. Well anyway they eventually destroyed the places they existed in because ancient DNA patterns are very selfish and self seeking to the extent they would destroy even themselves in the process of procreating, and sustaining their lives.

But those are just stories.

Regardless there is still some basis to it. Tiny pet dogs that were transported into other places that got loose eventually reverted to wolves on other planets. To the extent they had to be outlawed until planets were more civilized and easier to control. Nothing worse than having a wolf come at you that originally got loose as a poodle and then mutated into something the size of an elephant because there were no other predators when you return to populate a planet.

That’s another story.

O.K. I give up. Regardless that’s the rules and you need to follow it.

Well so far all the ones you have found and checked are tainted. You haven’t found one pure human yet. Makes you wonder if they ever were pure humans. Has anyone ever figured out why Harvesters, Elves, Titans and Leaders were all so different?

There is a theory that they were all gathered from different planets by the leaders and evolved into more advanced beings.

They did studies before the sun of the earth died and found that long before the Leaders - False Gods whatever you prefer to call them - and there were beings living on earth long before the Gods showed up. There was a major jump in DNA and evolution about that time. We have assumed it was either by viral contamination or plasmid dissemination of genetic information or possibly the interbreeding of the Leaders with the Earthlings. You do remember the old Fables of the Gods such as Leta and the Swan.

That is disgusting. Higher life forms sharing their energy and body matter with lower life forms. It would be like two totally different species such as Harvesters mating with Elves. Impossible.

But keep in mind just as with the computer who fell in love with the programmer such is the same with all energy life forms. Don’t you ever think that in a sense computers are an extension of the psyches and souls of the people who have created them, manufactured them, designed them, programmed them and run them just as children are influenced by their peers and adults around them?

OH oh! You found one...totally pure no Leader it viable?

I do not know we will have to go to the other part of the lab to see if it can be revived.




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