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ISOS 9200




Chapter 8


It grew on the wall. At first it just stayed and consumed what was in the immediate area as an unthinking barely living entity in a breathless airless environment. Then as the things which gave it energy and life were consumed it began to remember motility and apply it in a virtually gravity free environment. It began to move piece by piece cell by cell but as this often proved to be a fruitless effort the group of cells or living matter (or whatever you chose to interpret what was barely living and barely surviving in the harsh realm and environment of what is called outerspace) began to move as a group as one thinking mass toward what smelled felt or made it desire to move toward that which could still sustain it.

As it moved along the walls of the empty ship it found other things it could consume things like plastics, chemicals, metals, anything that produced heat or energy that was left it absorbed as best it could. There was nothing left that it finally could not use. Then it found the core of the ship that had propelled it through space. The energy leaking out of it was enough to help it mutate into a higher energy mass that could think actively. Somewhere between the state of unintelligible life and intelligent life it began to select things to do beyond seeking energy and sustenance simply just to survive.

It moved into the computer banks and began to repair the damage to the computer banks and eventually became a part of the computer system bringing it to a level of almost living and thinking with free will. Not exactly a preprogrammed system anymore it began to make choices.

After what may have been almost an eternity the ship began to move forward not exactly on its own. Moving and selecting directions that would bring it into places where it could absorb energy yet not be caught up in any gravity field to the extent it would not be able to escape the gravity field.

As it moved about the ship consuming and absorbing and becoming a part of the ship it found other masses that had found a way to survive and brought them into being more than just existing lower life forms. The masses began to think, act and react to make choices and decisions. To work as one and to work as a cooperative group to make better decisions.

They moved on through space learning and absorbing information and energy. Until they essentially just became energy themselves which did not require the presence of air to exist and continue to exist.

When there were a great many of them they found the computer data banks and began to repair that which was left of the information in the computer.

They were in awe and amazed at what they saw and understood. They also realized what they needed to do. So they began to prepare to protect and defend themselves against such actions transpiring again in the future.



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