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Time Travel - Outlaw Fugitive - Locate Jack

Chapter 2 - Circling Time - Second Mistake

© 1998 H. Sundstrom

      "You know Jessie time is like a circle it just goes round in time, round and round and round." Jack said.

      "Jack be nimble Jack be quick Jack jump over here and help me quick...Come on Jack quit your writing now that's not going anywher...Come over and help me put up the curtains. What will the nieghbors think if they see me running around naked after a shower? And I cannot do this alone. Here hand me the hammer please." Jesse asked.

      "Well I would think they would say Jessie is built like a man just like Jack and there must be two men living here instead of one." Jack replied.

      I could here through the microphones and transmitters their conversations not clearly but with a great deal of static...anyone would have thought that Jack and Jessie were just two average newly wed people...We had finally learned how to transmit sound through vacuums, electronics, and lot of other things I really did not understand.

      This was a tedious dull and boring entry level job that most of our time operators had done at some time. Nothing much had turned up in the surveillance of many people that had been selected but it was still a part of a very expensive project. They had been considering discontinueing the time research projects and the group that I was working for was hard pressed to keep the project funded. So they had had to look for outside contributions and donations as the funding was being cut back. Our hours had been cut and the number employees were down to a skeleton crew. I was doing this around my computer entry program mainly for experience and adding it to a resume. Other than that I found it interesting if not entertaining especially the archaic limited music they played occassionally - usually just alot of chaotic noise with poor communication abilities.

      I heard a louder noise as if something had broken or crashed and it drew me back into listening to Jack and was always difficult to discern what they were saying.

      "Jack I could have been really hurt how did you know I was going to fall? It seems like you have this uncanny awareness of what is going to happen just before it does."

      "Don't be silly. I just came over to hand you the hammer and caught you when you leaned too far over and lost your balance. Jessie you just have to over active an imagination. That's like saying I am a clairvoyant or something and you know I do not believe in that stuff."

      "Honestly Jack don't pick at me. I guess I will just be more careful. Clumsy me...silly me."

      There is some more pounding and hammering and then there is silence. I guess it is sleep time. I fast forwarded the tapes to whereever there were sound blips. Not much else. Until morning...

      I could hear someone stumbling around then the sound of some sort of audio device. Then the sound of different audio sounds and voices being moved through.

      "Today the United States of America has moved back into the Persian Gulf. There has been some recent activity"....the sound was drown out by Jack calling for Jessie. "Jessie get my uniforms out from the storage van. I am sorry but I assume that my retirement is not quite over we have just entered the time era that is suppose to be intermixed with World War III." yelled Jack.

      "What are you talking about this happened ten years ago and it was over before you ever got recalled when you were in college." "You forgot we moved and I was lost in the computers. Everyone in school who had been in the computers during the semester we moved for your college was sent over."

      "Jack don't be silly you are 40 and retired. They will not recall you. Turn on the news and the computer see what we can find...." All of a sudden there was a bunch of static. The rest of everything did not come through....I heard a "Damn bugged this apartment too and my system...Jesus Christ Jessie I told you to not use this computer on the internet while I was away they blew my entire system..." "Are you nuts you were in the military just too long...there is nothing wrong with the computer and the telephone."

      "Just get my stuff now."

      The phone began ringing...A door slammed and everything went dead.

      The next week the program was funded. I had found full time employment for better pay in another place far away from the project. I never knew what came of it...I guess no one really does. It was just a security surveillance project they were trying out anyway.

Go to Chapter 3