The police patrol the Great Pyramids on horseback. They are very friendly and look out for the tourists so that they are not swamped by the children and beggars begging or selling wares. The amount of these "workers" are overwhelming and they run rampant throughout the site. Still,
I would not have missed it for anything.
Let me tell you, riding a camel is a unique experience! Thankfully, I had
the lead camel, and, hence, the best view. One of the Great Pyramid's sisters
is in the background.
"Fala" is what the Egyptians call their sail boats. Here
we are in Cairo sailing on the Nile. It was a gloriously
sunny and beautiful day; perfect for sailing.
No trip to Egypt would be complete without visiting the Sphinx. Of course, everyone has heard how the Sphinx lost his was shot off by Turkish soldiers as they used it for target practice. The sheer size of this monument makes it magnificent! Of course, then there are the pyramids and especially the Great Pyramid. One can't help but gaze in***Other Links of Interest***
awe at these creations.
The Emerald Isle
O Canada!
"Disney Magic" CruiseI'm just getting started so please check in often and you will see something new every week. Please feel free to email me with suggestions and any links, pics, etc. that you think might be of interest. Thanks. {or, just write to say "hello". :-)}