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     Shade and sweet water to you!

    Elfquest is one of the finest works of art we have seen in a very long time. It boasts some of the most fantastic characters, so full of life and rich history. Wendy Pini, the artist, has a remarkable skill in portraying  emotions flawlessly. Together, she, and her husband Richard Pini, created a splendid epic story to match her characters. If you get the chance, we very highly recommend you find the time to enjoy it yourself!

Our hats are off to you Windy & Richard Pini!

Sadly, at this time, I don't have a large collection due to loss of files, but Please do enjoy what I have, and we hope to get more up sometime.





Cutter Skywise Skywise & Spirit Skywise




Cutter Nightfall Strong Bow One Eye





The Music playing is:

TIMMAIN: The Calling


Timmain, shape-shifter, your people are exiles

Wandering aimless, your people are lost

Hated and hunted with fear their companion

Chilled by the windstorm and pierced by the frost


Timmain, self-shaper, your people are hungry

Far from their homeland they founder un-fed

Here in this new land their magics work twisted

As often to conjure up stones as their bread


Timmain, shape-changer, your people are dying

You cannot harden your heart to their cry

See how the snow and their enemies slay them

Timmain, oh Timmain, can you watch them die?


Timmain, change-maker, your shape is a new one

Sharp-toothed and keen-nosed and one with the storm

Hunter to track down the life for your people

Finding the shelter to keep your folk warm


Timmain, self-changer, is gone through the springtime

Summer fast follows and fall runs behind

She hunts with the wolf pack, accepts them as kindred

And builds her own world, now away from elf-kind


Timmain, the wolf-shaped, has sent them a leader

Wolf-blooded elf child, young Timmorn her pride

Duty fulfilled, she returns to the hunters

Wild heart within her no longer denied


Written by Mercedes Lackey & Leslie Fish

Vocals: Julia Ecklar, Joey Shoji & Catherine Cook

© WaRP Graphics, Inc.

Lots More to come Soon!