~*Chapter III*~

"Oh, wow! That was awful!" Candy exclaimed right after the ride. They were all staggering hesitantly while their heads were still spinning.

"What'd ya mean?! That's the best ride I've ever been on!" Nick retorted.

"Yeah!" Samantha joined in.

"I know! I meant awful as in bad as in cool! Hello?!" Candy said defending herself. "Hey, look! That's us!" she yelled pointing at a screen in the Photo Pick-up Booth.

"Hahahaha! AJ looks so funny with his sunglasses and all!" Nick joked.

AJ just gave him a warning glare, and Nick took back what he said.

Brian approached the booth and asked the man on the other side for two copies. "Sure, I'll be with you in just a minute," the man replied.

"I want one too!" Elisa pleaded.

"Me too!" said Samantha.

"Okay, is that 1,2,3...okay, excuse me...could you make that 7 copies?" Brian asked exasperated.

"Sure thing."

Five minutes later, they all got their pictures and were heading off to get something to eat...

"How about McDonald's?" AJ offered.

"Sounds good to me," Samantha said with glee.

Candy whined. "McDonald's...again?! We always go there! Like, no offense to you AJ...or anything but I'm getting sick of it."

"How about Burger King?" Brian asked.

Samantha, AJ, and Nick made faces. "No!" they screamed.

"Okay, how about you take your girl to Burger King and the rest of us will head to McDonald's and we'll meet up with you at Phantom's Manor whenever you're done?" AJ insisted.


"Never mind. Let's all just go to McDonald's as long as we get Dairy Queen for dessert..." Candy decided.

"Alrighty then!" Brian smiled while doing his Jim Carrey imitation. He threw his arm around Candy and followed the rest of them.

A Love Phenomenon
Backstreet Fanfiction