BabyCrysta's Shout Outs

First and foremost!!! Much, much thanks to God for bringing upon us the five talented guys, the Backstreet Boys! Thanks to the Backstreet Boys for their inspiration! Without them my life would be like flavorless ice cream. I love you all!

Friends and Family At Home

Mom What's a Shouts Out page without a Shout Out to the beautiful woman who brought me into this world?! You're my perfect friend. I love you Mom.

Dad To the other half that contributed to my existence today! I love you more than words can ever express.

Bader My "Big Bro" To my one and only brother! My life would not have been complete without you. Thanks for taking me to the Backstreet Boys concert I have been longing to go to for ages! I love you.

Dandoon You are more than just a cousin. You understand me even when I can't understand me! You have done so much for me, it's incredible! I'll never forget all the stupid and crazy things we've been through including those "confessions." Much love!

Atoua You thought I'd forget you?! Hell no! Although we've been through lotsa downs (and ups!) you're still my cousin and alwayz will be. I won't hate you for not liking Nick anymore! I promise. Hugz!

To the rest of my BIG "family and friends" crew back home You know I love you, and all the pages in the world would not be enough for me to tell you so. I haven't forgotten you!

My Guyz and Galz At The BSB Band Chatroom

FRICK_99 Meg!!!! I miss ya so much chica! Come back!!! ;) It's not the same without you! Anyway, I am so happy I met someone like you! You alwayz make me laugh! Much *HuggieZ*!

Broksdoll You truly are a doll!! But not Brok's...yet! Hehe! You're gonna have to fight me for him! Then the winner has to fight LeighAnne!! LOL! Just kidding! I love ya sweetz!

Carrie_C Our crazy little party girl!! LMAO!! We all love ya girl but get more sleep!! All us galz in the chat are so irresistable that you gotta wake up 6am to chat?! Just teasin! BUG *HuggieZ* LOL!!

Netteke NETTEKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! LOL! (Sounds familiar?) Girl, you got it bad for Tommy!! And your pics are amazing!! You're so much fun and you alwayz make me laugh! *HugZ* Glad I met ya!

4CHER CHER, my sweetie!!! You alwayz join at the perfect time!! Right when I start to feel out of place, you're there to talk to and make me smile! Much thanks! *HuggieZ*

Nuclear Potato, DIVALEXI, harder_aj_harder, Cosmic_Lemon (WOOHOO! POWER TO THE TUNA!!), Kassie_Littrell, tommysgirl69

The People Of NMH

Sarah My roomie!!! Don't cry hun! I'll miss you too!!! But I'll see you soon! And tell Jaclyn to get a boyfriend! Just kidding Jac! :) I love you!

Zeina What am I gonna do without you??! You're leaving! I can't believe this! Well, I'll alwayz treasure the fun moments we shared and I'll never forget you!

Addie Grrrr!! I love you so much but did you have to tell the world I'm perverted??!!! Oh and thanks to you and Melissa for giving me and Ana that porno book! LOL!

UK Crew

rajcarter You are such a sweetie!! Thanks for making me an honorary member of the crew! Go UK Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!! See ya in Manchester!!! *HuggieZ*

Summer_Angel SUMMER!!!! LOL! I'm really glad I met you!! You're cheerfulness is always appreciated! Love ya!

If I forgot to add you on, blame my head not my heart. Just tell me or e-mail me and I will add you on as soon as I can! Promise!
