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Here's a letter that was supposidly sent from Taylor. It tells Hanson haters, exactly what they are feeling. It's a great letter. I don't know if it was true, but it sounds like it was him. This letter wasn't sent to me. I can't remember who I got if from, but I think I recieved it in a newsletter. If it is Tay, then 10 points for him! K here it is.

Do you know how it feels to go to the web and find pages saying how much they hate you? Just quit making fun of us! We just like to play music and write them and sing them. Why do you guys have a problem with that? Wouldn't it be better if you just make a homepage of something you like instead of something you hate? We know that some people don't like us and everything, but we are the next generation and we just can't continue going around hating each other! How will we ever survive if we are in war, even were teenagers? IT was very difficult for us to get to the position we are in now, don't you understand that it took effort and dedication? The question is why do you hate us? Just because we have long hair? How come you don't say people who have long hair too are girls? Why only Hanson, Hanson, Hanson? Or how about men who really want to be women, don't you guys say that they are the real girls? Do you hate us because our songs? I've seen in mush places that MMMBop is just invented. It is invented but it's a frame of time, there are so many songs that have words invented and have no signification, but MMMBop does. You all have to realize that we have feelings too. And what you are doing isn't making us mad or anything, but even though you are making fun of us, you don't realize that you are damaging your brain, putting stuff about sex and gays in it. Just think it over and over again. It's up to you all. Well, with that I am leaving. Later, J. Taylor Hanson

Go Tay!
