My Fab Abs 5 minute workout

Leg Raise
Just simply lie on your back gently on a mat or padded carpet, legs straight, both hands under your buttocks to help maintain the proper pelvic tilt, head on the floor. Exhale as you slowly bring your knees to your chest and your head off the floor. Inhale as you lower your head and straighten your legs to a point where your feet are a few inches off the floor. Repeat to muscle fatigue.

Side Raise
Lie on your left side on a mat or padded carpet, head and legs straight. Exhale as you raise your right leg as high as it will comfortably go. All movement comes from the hip joint. Inhale, lower top leg to starting position and repeat. Repeat on the opposite side. Repeat to muscle fatigue

Rear Raise
Lie on your stomach on a mat or padded carpet, head straight. Hands can be used to form a pillow for your face. Inhale as you slowly raise your right leg without bending the knee, holding briefly at the top of the movement. Exhale and lower the leg to starting position and repeat. Repeat with the left leg. Repeat to muscle fatigue.

Lie on your back on a mat or padded carpet with your knees partially bent, feet flat on the floor, arms folded across your chest. Exhale as you tighten your buttock muscles and begin to raise your chest off the floor, feeling your abdominal muscles tighten. The movement need only be a few inches. Inhale as you slowly curl back down without letting your head touch the floor, maintaining tension in the abdominal muscles for the entire set. Repeat to muscle fatigue.

The Bridge
Lie on your back on a mat or padded carpet, knees bent, heels near your buttocks, arms at your sides. Inhale as you slowly raise your pelvis off the floor as high as it will comfortably go. Tighten your buttocks and squeeze your shoulder blades together, hold and breathe. Exhale as you lower back down to the floor. Hold for 5 seconds, repeat 5 times.