Space Shuttle Crew Changes



FLIGHT      ASTRONAUT                REASON               REPLACED BY

STS-33    D.S. Griggs (plt)      died in plane crash      J.E. Blaha

STS-35    Jon McBride (cdr)      left nasa                V.D. Brand

STS-40    J.E. Blaha (plt)       to STS-33                S.M. Gutierrez

STS-40    R.W. Phillips (ps)     health                   M. Hughes-Fulford   

STS-44    D.M. Walker (cdr)      suspended                F.D. Gregory

STS-42    M.E. Cleave (ms)       personal                 M.L. Carter

STS-42    M.L. Carter (ms)       died in plain crash      D.C. Hilmers

STS-45    M.L. Lampton (ps)      health                   D.D. Frimout

STS-50    J.H. Casper (plt)      to STS-54                K.D. Bowersox

STS-50    K.D. Bowersox (ms)     pilot STS-50             E.S. Baker

STS-46    R.L. Gibson (cdr)      suspended                L.J. Shriver

STS-46    J.D. Wetherbee (plt)   to STS-52                A.M. Allen

STS-46    A.M. Allen (ms)        pilot STS-46             M.S. Ivins

STS-85    J.S. Ashby (plt)       personal                 K.V. Rominger

STS-101   Ed Lu (ms)             to STS-106               James Voss

STS-101   Yuri Malenchencko      to STS-106               S. Helms 

STS-101   Boris Marukov          to STS-106               Y. Usachev

STS-102   Umberto Guidoni        to STS-100               ???

STS-98    M. Lee (ms)            suspended                B. Curbeam

STS-100   B. Curbeam (ms)        to STS-98                S. Parazynski

ISS-3     K. Bowersox (cdr)      personal                 F. Culbertson

ISS-6     D. Thomas (fe)         medical                  D. Pettit

STS-113   G. Loria (plt)         personal                 P. Lockhart

ISS-7     S. Moschenko (fe)      training                 A. Kaleri

Abbreviations: cdr = commander
               plt = pilot
               ms  = mission specialist
               fe  = flight engineer
               ps  = payload specialist