My Friends and all of the good stuff!

Here are my friends in all of their glory.....yeah right! OK, I have their best features mentioned, some are looks, some are personality traits.
Julian is my best friend. I have known him since elementary school, but we didn't become good friends until about 9th grade. He is really tall, really skinny, and really funny! He is blond and has blue eyes. He was in the school band with me; he played the tuba. Julian must be one of my favorite people to hang out with because unlike most of my other friends, I don't get angry at him every few days. I have a bad temper, if you hadn't read that on Car's page.
Best Feature: humor

Caroline is one of my closer friends. I met her in sixth grade, but we didn't really get to know each other until eighth grade. Caroline has blonde hair, but it is under many layers of dye at the moment. She has incredibly deep blue eyes. She has had more boyfriends in one year, than I have had in my entire life. Caroline loves drama as in acting. Caroline is a great person to talk to except when she is pissed off about her own problems, but then I talk to her to bitch about mine, so alls fair. I call her Car, so if you see that, that's who it is.
Best Feature: eyes

Elizabeth, the Queen of Cabbage Patch Dolls, used to go to school with me. However, she moved away. And now we are closer friends than ever. We talk via IM and she's strange. Who knew? She told me I didn't say anything nice about her, but she didn't understand I guess. I was saying she's a great person in my own way. And she is, when she's not bitching to me about my not complementing her. Never tell people your sites, it should be a rule.
Best Feature: Her cabbage patch-like hair(it's very cute or if you prefer her um.......i don't know love of taking pictures of her pets.)

Emleigh (note the spelling)
Emmie is a really sweet person under a normal person aspect. Strange, out of the world, often wait that's gotta be someone else. Anyway, she's a sweetie who loves Bob Fosse. She can draw and all that fun stuff.
Best Feature: She laughs at my jokes

Lloyd is a great friend. He is funny, smart, and interesting. He has long brown hair. He has the prettiest brown eyes. He is also a great artist!
Best Feature: flirting (raises self-esteem)

Lacy is an interesting person, let's just say that. She is an excellent artist and author. She has brown hair and brown eyes with rings, not piercing rings, in them.
Best Feature: sympathy

Brett is a great guy. He's probably one of the nicest people. He is a computer genius and will most likely earn millions for some computer program in the future. Brett has dirty blond hair and blue eyes.
Best Feature: computer skills

Chris is my the friend I've known the longest who lives in Tallahassee. I've known him since second grade. He is tall, has blond hair and blue eyes. He loves RPGs and Sailor Moon. Chris is a great guy, although he has a little bit emotional, but we all love him. He is in Maclay now.
Best Feature: eyes

Vanessa is a cool person. She is funny and very out-going. She is tall and voluptuous. She has short brown hair and really cool green eyes.
Best Feature: outgoing personality

Jason is a wonderful guy. He writes poetry, which is very beautiful. I absolutely love him, as should everyone who has ever met him. And once his poetry is on my site, I order everyone to read it. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He's tall and skinny, like so many of the guys I know.
Best Feature: his hugs

Melanie is my oldest friend. She lives in North Carolina right now. I don't see her that much, nor do I talk to her, but I thought she deserved to be recognized. Mel is very athletic. She has long dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
Best Feature: ability to make friends

Ok, there are my friends. I don't think I left anyone out.

Here are some links to my other pages.

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Links to my friends' pages
