How much did you get for "ang pau" money,my friend??:)
Me, i got RM700!! woo hoo...
What can u get with 700 bucks? hmm,.. that's like US$175-200...
Shoes? --yes please!--
Clothes? --gimme!--
Jewellery? CDs? VCDs?---DEFFINITELY!---
Or how bout a few game cartridges for my GameBoy?? hmm,... ---YEAAAH!!---
this is SO cool... i guess that's one of the differences from Christmas coz you get money and u can buy anything u want with it rather than having to keep the present that u dont like..:)
I need shoes
Hey,if you just took your PMR exam last year, what did you get?!? (sorry,i'm gonna talk bout more non-malaysian related stuff in a while:})
I just got 5 A's and 3 B's.. yeah yeah, that sucked:)
But I'm just happy i didnt get any C's!!hahaha...ha!
I NEEEEEED shoes!!
Hey, have you seen the Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely video???
Why must they make it SO sad?!?
It's classic, yes indeedy
Poor Howie, tho.. still a lack of airtime!!!
It's a great video, such a change from the Star Wars-y Larger than Life but it's great too!
Can someone do me a favour and send me the Korn album "Issues"? I'll give you ANYTHING you want from over here in the land of the not-so-free!:O)
Have you heard the song "Blue" by Eiffel 65?
I can't stand that song anymore, it's SO overplayed!
I go to bed and it's in my head "I'm blue, dabade dabeda dabedee dabedaa dabede dabeda dabede dabedaaa "
My fave part of the song is when he goes "I have a blue house with a blue winda-ow":)
Hmm, wonder what the Boys are doing at the moment..
What would you do if you could become invisible for a day? where would you go?