<bGSOUND SRC="/fl/JungleCatz/images/truly.wav">
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¤~~Å Gïft fõr Frîëñd§~~¤

~~Sending a Tiger, who's grace, beauty, and strength I Love;
~ To each of you--from Me and the Lord up above.

~~May His strength help you to be strong;
~ When you day seems to be going sad or all Wrong.

~~May you also find the pure love in the song;
~ For that someone Special can help you along;
~ And make you feel that you really belong.

~~The chat banter, teasing, jokes and the cheer;
~ Have helped me to dry up many tears;
~ And lifted my spirits to help Me face my fears.

~~To all of you Now that I hold so dear;
~ Thank you for being so special and near.

~~Luv ya !!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~by Tish

My Favorite Links

~~Back to *~*~Wê£çðmê~*~* Page~~
~~Çåtz**Prîdë & Jõÿ~~
My Heritage~~Indian page
~Richest by Far~
~About me~

~~A special Hug and Thanks to ©~MꮣïÑ~©
~~For without his Magic and Wizardry the special effects
would not be here
**I owe ya Babe, Big Time!**Thank You My Friend**


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