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undefined ~~Çåtz**Prîdë & Jõÿ**~~

~~Çåtz**Prîdë & Jõÿ**~~




~~Çåtz**Prîdë & Jõÿ~~

~~This is Alysia Nicole', my 16 and a half yr. old Daughter.
~~Gorgeous isn't she?? hehehe Not a proud Momma, am I?
~~But though pretty, I am more proud of the young Lady she has become
~~She has a strong Spirit and a loving and kind heart
~2 things I am most proud of!

~~She was in a special program at school for 7th and 8th graders.
~That she is really enjoying. It has a job, helping people
~In the hospital half days and classes half days.

{August 22, 1999} We are doing Home School for the 8th grade.
And so far We both enjoy IT! Miracles never cease!
{October 10,2001} Late updating but she is now in High School and a whiz in math.

~~Alysia loves animals~~brace yourself~~ Her favorite pet was her
~Snake, a 5ft. Florida King Snake named Heidi cause she {the snake}
~Loved to hide in a box in her cage.But she got Loose but We have a picture of them~~ And it will be posted on her page when scanned. Well, she got a different one for Christmas 98 and just lost it this week it is July now. So 2 snakes loose in the neighborhood due to!

She found her Ball Python that was lost in April this week {August 24, 1999}. Sadly this snake caught pneumonia twice the first time we were able to save him with the vet but not the second time so he is buried in the garden now.

She said I could Show This~~wow!

~I Love This One !!!
~I have one of her at 6yrs old that is my favorite but she said she would
~Kill me if I put it here. hehehe! She was an adorable baby!
~~Still is to me! ~~Both adorable and my Baby.
~~And Mom added the baby pic too.
~~We have our horrible times as Mom and Teen ~A lot of Good times as Friends, too!! Though she is sweet and pretty, She has her tough side too ~~She is ready to test for her Black belt in Karate. {That is why the Blue Dragons even though her Dojo Is Colored Dragon~~I haven't found a picture for that.}

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N~SYNC~~Her fav. band's homepage
Back Street Boys homepage
~~Richest by Far~~< ~~Frîêñd§ Thõûght§~~
~~ Dêêp ïñ thê Dêñ ~~
~~Flight Of Fantasy~~
