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undefined ~~Rîçhë§t bÿ Får!~~

~~Rîçhë§t bÿ Får!~~


    ~~Rîçhë§t bÿ Får!~~

    When times are tough and you think it's the End;
    Be Careful where you look, My Friend.

    For in the mists or in the Skies;
    You never know what may come to your eyes.

    A calloused Hand, a welcome Ear, a Gentle Smile;
    Or two Strong arms where you can rest a while.

    In deep dispair I saw these things;
    brought to me on Angel wings.

    The outstretched Hand to rescue Me;
    A gift you see, to clasp to mine and pull me Free.

    The Gentle Smiles to warm to light my way;
    For theses smiles are from Angels, I say.!!

    Big Strong arms to Hold me thru the tears;
    As I cry and try to handle many doubts and Fears

    Ears to listen to my news, my strife and tale of woe;
    I've talked a few off and bent a few down Low.

    Now, You come to the most Important Part,
    As all of these have touched My heart

    The Hand, the Smile, the Ears, the Arms --
    Tis' not ONE person with all these charms.

    A Wealth of Friends love I've been given to hold;
    For my wonderful Friends have hearts of pure Gold!!

    My house may crumble, and I drive an old Car;
    But I am the Richest person by FAR !!


    Thank you For being My Friends!!

    All gifts of Friendship

    Love forever

    ~~~by Tish~~


    If you have friends, That you love like I do Mine;
    Feel free to send this page to any online.

    ©~MꮣïÑ~Mågîç Çåstlê~©
    ¤=¬« Réßjॠ»¬=¤

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