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Page Started-June 2nd 1998

Page Updated-July 15th,1999

The Second Annual *NCAs
*This message is from Isabelle of Isabelle's 'N Sync Page :I Drive Myself Crazy is currently #85 on the Billboard chart NOT because people don't wanna hear it, but because radio stations won't play it!! I recently went to the homepages of 311 separate radios stations on a quest of finding online request forms and I've noticed that most of the time it's either the most or second most requested song but not very played at all. So I've put together a petition and all you need to do is sign your name and email address and I'll send the list to about 350 stations. You won't receive any annoying junk mail by putting your email here, so don't worry. Thanks, and let's give a hand to the webmaster for putting this up!!
Name: Email:

Sorry it hasnt been updated in like forever, but I'm making changes to it....ANS ITS GOT A NEW NAME!!! like it?? e-mail me and tell me what you think of it! Please if you have time sign the guest book on your way out!! I would do the same for you =o) it would mean a lot to me if you did...and PLEASE take the survey..thanks....and if you want to contact me for any reason, to talk, ask a question, or have a comment I'm on ICQ #11597139or e-mail me!

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