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A Message From Me:

Okay this has to be saud cause this is really getting on my nerves, okay I've had a lot of people complaning about my survey saying what kinda quetion is that or you should ask a question like that...okay I'm sorry if you dont like the quetions but its hard to come up wil 2 questions a week all related to N Sync............And Ive even asked people to send in questions to ask, and so far no one I'm sorry if you dont like them but no one said you had to take it, but I would like it if you did.....

And there is one more thing.....People sending me nasty mail over the most dumbest things......I think Ive been called everthing in the book you could possibly think of.....and all of them were over some stupid mistakes I made with my spelling.....and usually its those stupid Teenyboppers mad cause I spelled their favorite N Syncs Name wrong....and to say you know NO ONE is perfect there is going to be a mistake here and there, I'm not going to go through the WHOLE page just to add an E at the end of every word that I missed it I am asking you if you want to e-mail me and complain do it in a nice non whiny way please.......
