Warning: The following page contains coarse language and may be considered offensive. In short, it should not be viewed by anyone. (I know that wasnt original! So, if you email me about that, you'll probably see it on this page the next day.)
Ok, this is the hate mail page. This is where I put up all the e-mail I get about my page that is threatening, retarded, says my page sucks, or just pisses me off, and then I make fun of it and everyone gets a good laugh. If you're just bored and you want something to do, e-mail me with something you wrote and I'll put it up there. You can read my guidelines below if you're unsure. So, read on, have fun, and let me know if you just HAVE to know who wrote a certain letter, and I'll think about telling you.
The mail
We have our first hate mail! This one is the end of a chain of replies, where he kept sending me bad links and I kept asking him to check the link. He finally sent me a valid link, and the page sucked a big one, so I told him that I'd have to give him a laughing cartman rating.(see my links page)
>Don`t you dare put it on the laugh list damn it i worked hard on this site
captain nemo or what ever the hell your name is just tell me how to add gifs
Well, I only wanted to give him a "laughing Cartman" because I didnt have a picture of Cartman taking a crap! Maybe I should put him up on my links page, just so people will see his site and laugh at him too. :-P
Here's hate mail number two! I get mail all the time from people asking me to email the games to them. Why? I have no fucking idea! Well, I thought this was the worst one, so I thought I'd put it up here to represent the ten to twenty emails i get like this every day!
Well, there's nothing I can say except...What a dumbass! I hope he doesn't read this, or he'll be fucked up for the rest of his life. Well, so much for his self-esteem.
1. First of all, I never include the sender's address. If you're dying to know who it is, tell me why and I just might let you know.
2. I don't put anything up that's all cuss words and a couple South Park quotes, because every nine-year-old who gets basic cable can do that. If you really want it posted, be original!
3. If you're just sending it to see it posted, you'll probably want to let me know so I can put I note letting everyone know that you're not really such an asshole.
4. As far as cussing goes, I'm sticking to the rules of TVMA. (Now I know I watch South Park too much!) So, I'll edit anything that they couldn't say on TV(like $h!te@ter, c@&$sucker, or pigf@*?er).
5. Obviously, if you send anything racist, sexist, etc., I will put it up and show no mercy! For, example, if you you said something anti-semetic, I'd probably call you things like an old skin-head nazi queer who shot up and got it on with Hitler in a foxhole back in the 40's. Just a warning.
Well, that's it. Don't think I'm being a bastard about this. I'm just not in a hurry to piss off everybody who comes into my site. Only the assholes.