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Pictures of the Girlies!


This is Kelly! She's been such a great friend to me since..ohhh 6th grade! heheThe other pic is taken of me and Kelly in those cute little Coca Cola Sign things. Don't you just love the socks?

This is Kelly with Karli at the beach, and then on the right is me and Kell in front of CNN Studios in Atlanta, GA. I know its kinda blurry, but it looks good in the real pic, sooooo deal with it!!! lol

Debra (Deebs)

This is me and Debra! We are sexy mamas! WOOP WOOP Debra! hehe
Ok...This is Debra...and this is Debra with Ryan (our buddy)...Any questions? I didn't think so : )
This is Me and Debra. We're great friends and I know you all are jealous! hehe

ALICIA!! This is Miss Alicia and our friend Chrissy. Alicia and I became such great buds after I had to lug her around everyday in child care..hehe j/k!

This is me and my baby! hehe Karli is Kelly's lil sister. Aren't we just too cute?

This is Karli at her first trip to the beach. Sooo precious.

Workin' Girls
These ladies are the girls I work with at the country club. From left to right....back row: Margie, Donna, Lori, Carolyn, Lorraine. front row: Patt, Beth, and ME!!!

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