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Me and Me and the Fam

Yee Haw!! This is me at work on Halloween. I was a case you can't tell. (Wait till you see this year's costume!)

Ok everyone on the left is my SENIOR high school pic which like 3 years old now. But hey! I'm kinda proud of it!!! Look at that fluffy stuff! Isn't it cute??

Left: Me and Dani! That's my aunt's doggie. She loves me! hehe annnd Right: Me in Atlanta being weird and silly and crazy. hehe : )

I'm a Playboy Bunny!!! HAHAHAHA ok....there is a Kelli Graham that's a model for Playboy. Me...well I'm just a bunny. lol This was me Easter '03 at work.

This is Me at Indian Spring's Christmas Party. Next to me is Vanessa and her stepdad Steve, and in the back is Mike.

This is me being grumpy. I was 17 in one and 3 in the other. Aren't I just so cute when I'm mad? hehe

This is me and my mommy!

And this is me and my daddy! (My father recently passed away. I miss you daddy.)

This is both of my parents! Isn't this such a cute lil picture?!

This is my puppy!! Isn't she sooo cute!??!? The one on the left is her when I first got her, and the one on the right is 7 years later this past Christmas (2003). See how svelt she used to be! LOL

OK well thats all I have so far. I need to get some of my friends from around here up, but I need to scan some pics..and see I have a little problem...I don't have a scanner. Well we'll just have to see what we can do. Ok??

To see pics of my on one of the lil links below
Girls' Pics
Boys' Pics