Two are Columbian red-tailed boas, one is an Argentine boa, and two are sand boas. Snakes make very good pets, if you have the right disposition
for it (meaning you don't mind huge reptiles that require specific temperatures, humidity,
plenty of space, AND you can handle sending rodents to their death on a regular basis).
Old pictures of LadyFox's
Here's some reptile links which may prove useful to you:
A little
basic info
AFH Guidelines For The Keeping Of LARGE CONSTRICTORS
Yet another snake link! This one has a lot of pictures of several different kinds of snakes.
Information about
the Family Boidae
This is the place for Snakes - So
they claim!
Caring for
your boa constrictor
Zach's Boa Page
GREAT pics on this
Tim Bleknap Reptiles -I
didn't buy my argentine boa here, but there are some pictures of argentine
Here's some more pictures of various
Herp-edia - looks like a work
in progress, gathering useful info about herps of many types
Information about Kenyan sand boas