More Bumper Sticker Possibilities
Where there's smoke, there's a second-hand smoker.
Don't bite the hand that's filling your cavity.
White house effect is more dangerous than greenhouse effect.
It's never so bad that it can't get worse.
Road rage is fit to be tied up in traffic.
Animals in zoos are kept behind bars for their own protection.
The average is what we're always above or below.
Beware of the innate hostility of inanimate objects.
The two riskiest days of the week are today and tomorrow.
If the lion and the lamb lie down together, which one sleeps first?
Any city's streets are safe; their occupants are something else!
Horse sense keeps horses from betting on people.
A miss is as good as it gets.
Borrowed money is the root of all loan sharks.
No good deed goes far enough.
Nothing's either good or bad but plain yogurt.
A gross error is 144 times worse than an error.
Unless you're in the lead, the scenery doesn't change.
There's no place like here.