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Marble's Ancestors Portraits Gallery
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Marble Lineage Relationship to Salem Witch Trials 
1692, 13 January; Event In History, Salem Witch Trial: (Recognizance for Dorothy Faulkner and Abigail Faulkner, Jr.) Memorandum That on the Thirteenth day of Jan'ry 1692 in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary the Grace of God of England &c: King & Queen Defenders of the faith &c: Personally appeared before William Stoughton Esq'r cheife Justice of their Maj' ies Province of the Massachusets bay in New England Francis Falkner Husbandman & Joseph Marble Mason both of Andiver in the County of Essex and acknowledged themselves to be joyntly & severally Indebted unto our s'd: sovereigne Lord & Lady & the survivor of them their Heires & Successors in the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be levied on their or either of their Lands and Tenniments, goods & Chattles for the use of our s'd: sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen or survivor of them on Condition that Dorathy Forkner and Abigaile Forkner haveing stood committed for Suspition of Witchcraft shall make their p'sonall appearance before the Justices of our s'd: Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen at the next Court of Assizes and Generall Goal Delivery to be holden for the County of Essex then & there to answer to all such matters & things as shall in their Maj'ies behalfe be alleadged against them and to do and receive that which by the s'd: Court shall be then & there injoyned them & thence not to depart without licence.