9/8/98-SOrry for the long delay, the site was "hacked" into. So we're trying to fix the site up as fsat as we can. The ARMAGEDDON Director Cut is coming on video this december. Look for a total update in the next few weeks with an ENEMY OF THE STATE theme!.
8/22/98-After a long hiatus, The Unofficial Simpson/Bruckheimer Upcoming Films Site returns with another major update and a totally new look! We've updated the Armageddon page for the last time, with new photos and some sound bites from the #1 film of the summer. As soon as we get the video release date for Armageddon: The Director's Cut (you can own it) and Armageddon (PG-13 version) we'll let you know. 20 to 1, it will be released in December. FOR THE LATEST, OFFICIAL BREAKING NEWS ON BAD BOYS II, click here!. Due to an enormous (50 e-mails to be exact) amount of requests, we've reposted the possible CON AIR 2 synopsis. We don't even know if this information is legit; it was anonymously e-mailed to us. We posted it back in January but took it down because we thought it was a farce. Judge for yourself here. Is there something that you would like added to this site? Don't hesitate to mail us!!!
7/25/98-Three words: ARMAGEDDON DIRECTOR'S CUT! To be released on video with a plot point that was cut out of the version in theaters now: Harry Stamper's Father "Grap" was in the movie but got cut and will be on the Director's Cut. Also expect more of Steve Buscemi's dirty mouth that had to be washed out to ensure the PG-13 rating. On another note, don't expect an update for about 3 weeks or so. So now that Bruckheimer's taken the world through ARMAGEDDON
and will have WILL SMITH on the run in ENEMY OF THE STATE
in thanksgiving, what should his next move be? THE ROCK 2? BAD BOYS 2? APACHES? Or his new comedy DOWN AND UNDER? Click here
to discuss in our forums.
7/7/98-ARMAGEDDON is here! What did you think about it? Have your voice heard in the new Simpson/Bruckheimer Forums now!
6/27/98-Don't worry, that BEVERLY HILLS COP IV "teaser" poster is only fan-created. It was anonymously e-mailed to us and we checked it out with our sources. But it's interesting and creative enough for you to see that fans are already heating up for a fourth installment. But we wonder where the artist got that number "4" from...hmm...all critiques aside, the "teaser" is so creative that we've posted it on our BEVERLY HILLS COP IV page. If you haven't checked that page out, check it now! On another note, keep on sending in your suggestions, comments and anything else to make this site even cooler!
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