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Is This Writer's Block?

December 11, 1999

Writer's block - I don't think of it as a block,
it's an obstacle, a goal to overcome
the pause of the pen or pencil above the paper
thebig blurry dot you get from pointing your
rollerball pen at the start of a letter
the sound of silence as you sit and stare wonderlessly
aimlesly out in space, in your bedroom ceiling
listening to nothing, but everything, like the line
you hear at a theater, silence is golden, hear
the sounds of silence. Counting the lines, the patterns
the clothes strewn about the floor, all the while
overcoming this obstacle we call writer's block
noticing the carved wood indentures in the cherry bed
post, but still nothing comes to mind;
random thoughts flying tangently through my mind, but
I cannot grasp any, they slip through the synapses
the one that got away - Is this writer's block?