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October 19, 1997

stressing out I'm stressing out
too many things are floating about
swimming and dancing hitting my head
if one more thing bothers me I'd rather be dead
my parents are here they're always here
always around me always near
I never have time to do what I please
I'm crawling around on my hands and my knees
not really living not really alive
I feel like a worker in a honey bee's hive
I need to calm down and think things through
there's so many things I don't know what to do
I'm living my life under my parent's wing
the things that I do don't mean a thing
I'm still being asked what time I'll be back
if they keep this up I think I'm gonna crack
too many questions they ask of me
I need to leave and fly from this tree
live my own life without looking back
leave my parents get ready to pack
make decisions for good or for bad
if I could only do things my way
I wouldn't be so sad.