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Painted Lady's Gallery Studio....
My Painting Studio

Keep in mind.......this was to be a "Temporary" Painting Studio *L*

Nature has its own way of doing things; I firmly believe
God has a Plan and I am leaving it in his hands.

This is still temporary...........painting in my bathroom.
My "Studio" sometimes extends into the M. Bedroom and Laundry Room.
Oh, which by the way the Laundry room also doubles as my office.
Whatever. Do what you have to do. I am determined and I love
what I do. So if this is it........Fine. Although it drives
my husband a little nuts at times. You can't even use our Roman Bath anymore.
It is surrounded by finished paintings and canvases. Our bedroom is storage for canvas.
A few months back my son Clay and my husband Rich went around our home
and made it a Temporary Gallery. Hanging all of my Paintings. I also
have various Faux treatments and Murals on display.
Painted Lady's Gallery is open by appointment for Private viewings
of Studio, Paintings, and Portfolio preview. Please call or email
to let me know if you would like to set up an appointment.

Ok...."Why is the Studio temporary and in the bathroom?!?"
I have only been married for 2 years Oct. 2005. When we
(My 2 children, cat & I) moved in with my husband it was the
only extra space to work. I am lucky it is BIG enough in there. We
were in the meantime planning to build off the back of our home. Building......
YEAH!...a Studio. Room to work freely. A space of my own. The Studio would
have a large painting area, seating area for clients, friends or family, 2 offices, and
a storage room. Enough wall space for Gallery/Painting display and
walls to show my Faux and Murals. It would have been awesome. I can still
visualize me in there painting like a mad woman. Last summer
we had the Blue Prints drawn up. Had the space outside surveyed. We were
applying for permits. We even had estimates on trusses, windows, doors, etc.

So...."What happened to the Plans/Dream?!?".
4 Hurricanes = NO STUDIO. Sadly this is the case. We live on Miller Rd.
in Orange City, Fl. Miller Lake is in our back yard. It has been a source of peace,
comfort and beauty to us. The lake has also been and still is a nitemare on top of
the love we have for it. Our lake rose "6" ft. with the hurricanes.
There were other reasons it rose.......... a large reason was another
person/business illegally pumped into our lake for "3" weeks after the
last hurricane. I won't say anything more on the issue. The bottom line is we
are flooded. My studio area is flooded. We had to bring in 20 loads
of Clay/Dirt and build a BIG burm around the back and side of our home.
My husband worked like a warrior to save us. He used his bulldozer skills to build
the burm and also installed two permanent sump pumps to allow us to stay in our home.
Sadly, our neighbors didn't have this.........they were flooded and lost their home. I pray
we will survive this coming season. We are so afraid.......but strong and determined.
We have Faith.
So keep us in your prayers. If we do make it through the season and can
stay in our home. Possibly the Plans for the studio will come into play again.
For is a VERY stressful waiting game.

PLG Studio Pals
My studio mascot and other "Son"Ozzy.
In this picture he is checking out his new "Sister", BeBe (aka: Beyonce'),
before we brought her home. He lays at my feet when I paint
and sits next to me when I work in the office.
We have had Beyonce' for 3 wks. tomorrow, she is now 11 wks.
BeBe and Ozzy are getting along GREAT! She is now Studio mascot #2,
hanging out as I paint and work right along with Ozzy.
Ozzy, BeBe & Faline
Ozzy is on the left, BeBe on the right (now 7 mos. old).

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Artist Biography

For Custom Original Vacation Paintings, or Decorative art.....
email me and tell me what you have in mind.....just imagine!

I am an artist and ....a REALTOR!

Donna LaConte, REALTOR,
RE/MAX Central Realty, Lake Mary, Fl.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you are
looking to Buy or Sell in or out of Florida or elsewhere.....
and I LOVE "Referrals"!