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Super Mario RPG Midis

Booster Tower Lobby

Culex Fight

Forest Maze

Mallow's Theme

Bowser's Theme

Some Weird Latin Mix (Note: Very cool!)


Midas River


Monstro Town

Mushroom Kingdom

Pipe Vault/Hinopio's Mart (This one is the better of the two)

Pipe Vault/Hinopio's Mario (Different Version)

Mushroom Way/Rose Way

Select Your Game

Smithy Fight 1

Smithy Fight 2

Smithy Gang Theme

Other Boss Theme

Ending Music

Winning A Battle

Battling Music

Getting a Star Piece

If you have any more midis, please tell me where I can get them. Remember, I don't have "filters" on my computer, so I cannot simply click on a midi and hear it. So please tell me if this page works!

Princess Toadstool