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undefined Princess Toadstool's Supa Dupa Mario RPG Homepage!

Arf! Arf! UPDATES Arf! Arf!

This page was last updated on 10 June, 2000!

10 June: Well, everyone, I'm ba-aaaaack! Did you think you'd never hear from me again? Well, you were wrong. I updated the Places section, that's all! *sweet grin* Ahaha! By the way, the midis do NOT work anymore. I'm currently fixing that problem.

Stuff To Do...

Newsroom ~ Princess Toadstool's Super Mario RPG Messageboard! ~ Places in the Mushroom World ~ The survey ~ The Awards ~ The Polls ~ The Chat ~ The Images ~ My Friends in the Mushroom World ~ The Battleclub ~ Melody Bay Guide ~ Psychopath Guide~ The OTHER poll ~ Clubs I'm In ~ LINKS ~ Fanfiction ~ Midis ~

Ad of the Month

This section is where you get to advertise your website. It must be RPG related. It can be about any RPG. Send your Ad/Banner to me (you must send me a link to your site.) There will be a new Ad each month.

Save Super Mario RPG!


This page is ©1998-1999 by me, Princess Toadstool. I have no affiliation with Nintendo or the creators of Super Mario RPG, or anyone at Squaresoft. This is merely an ORIGINAL fan page used for me and other SMRPG fans, so don't sue. This page is also NOT to be plaguerized in any way (the layout, my Battleclub, mainly). I mean, you can have a Mario RPG page but you may not use my original ideas.

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This is Ben, my moogle!!

Jesus Loves You!
