Please remember when viewing this page that not all breeds recognized in the US are recognized as a breed in other countries. For example, what is recognized here as the Himalayan is called the " Russian " in Europe.
Also note that although I list which rabbits were originally bred and are used for meat, fur production, etc, I do not necessarily agree with the info. Have fun and please email me with any further information on a breed you know about, especially comments about their temperments, etc.
The American- Adults weigh eleven pounds. They come in white and a solid, dark, clear slate-blue. This breed originated in the United States.
The American Fuzzy Lop - Newer breed of a lop. 4 lbs max for full grown. Fuzzy haired, which is one of the only ways I can distinguish it from the holland and mini, LOL.
The Alaska - This is a pretty new breed and came from Germany. It's hair is glossy black and very appealing.
The Angora - This a very pretty rabbit! Besides this type of Angora there is the French and Satin Angora, which are different sizes alltogether. It is also a very old breed and easy to recognize because of it's fur and ears. ( Said to have originated in 1765! ) This breed requires a little more maintenance than many other kinds of rabbits. The average weight for an adult is 6 1/2 lbs. When you get an angora you need to groom it at least once a week to cut down on matting of the fur, spontaneous shedding, and compaction of the gut ( which may require surgery if it gets bad enough ) Whether the angora is kept for wool or not, the coat must be cut back at least once a year. The wool should be clipped to 1 cm to the skin, not any closer. Angora's come in more colors than the traditional white.
Argente - Created in France for it's fur production. The Argente Champagne is the largest of this type, weighing 8 lbs. Argente is the French word for Silver. The smallest is the Argenta Creme, which only weights 5 lbs. Champagnes are basically bluish-black with some white underneath. They are born totally black and change color as they age. Cremes' are orange-yellow. Other types of the Argente are the Argente Blue and the Argente Brun. I don't know if there are more varieties but will look into it.
Belgian Hare - Many believe this type originated from the wild rabbit, although it did not. This rabbit has a very short coat and is deep chestnut colored. The average weight is 9 lbs. If you commit to this type of bunny, remember that it needs more exercise than many rabbits!
The Beveren - Came form Belgium. Good show rabbit. Weighs 7 1/2 lbs and its fur is thick and lustrious.
The Blue Vienna- This breed is uncommon, but make good pets. They are nine and a half pounds, and are, of course, blue.
The Brittania Petite- The color is white and the adults weigh two and a half pounds. They are not considered an ideal pet.
Californian - Developed in the US for meat and fur production. Probably orginated from the Himilayan breed, being white with colored points. Weights ll lbs. Always white with a dark nose, dark eyes, dark tail and dark feet. A regular on the show bench.
Chinchilla Breed - Named after the wild Chinchilla lanigera, a South American animal. It was bred to have fur that resembled the latter since the fur/pelt prices payed so well. The original Chinchilla was first created in France the early part of the nineteenth century. There are three types: Standard, American, and Giant ( Below ). Weighs 6 1/2 lbs.
Chinchilla Giant - This type was developed due to the popularity of the original Chinchilla's pelt. Weighs up to 11 lbs. The fur is a little darker and coarser than the original.
Checkered giant- Twelve pounds or more. White with blue or black spots checkered on the body. The placement of these patches if important for show and for pet keeping. These animals are also raised for fur.
The Cinnamon-Adults wiegh ten pounds and are rust/cinnammon colored. Rarer but also good pets.
Dutch - We've all seen these at one time when browsing through a pet store. This is one of the most popular pets and probably originated in the Netherlands. The most popular colors is black and white. The front of the body is white, the hind part black and there is a strait dividing line. The head and ears are also colored. The average weight is 4 1/2 lbs; although small, it used to be used for meat production. It now does frequently well at shows and makes a great pet. Also used in labs.
Dwarf Hotot - 3 lbs. Beautiful rabbit. All white with dark brown eyes, and can be instantly recognized because of the black band around its eyes. Developed independantly by two different people. One was in West Germany, the other East Germany. These have been known to commonly develop teeth problems due to their head shape.
English - Very old breed. Seen at shows often as well. Ground color is white, and may be marked with blue, black, chocolate, gray or tortoiseshell. Breeding an English is hard, since the splotces and stripes must all be the same proper shape and position! Weighs 6 1/2 lbs. This makes an excellent pet as they are docile and very trusting. The does make great foster moms and have been known to nurse other bunnie's litters.
English Lop - This longest eared lop. The adult's ears should reach a minimum of 21 inches when full grown. 9 lbs when adult.
English Spot- Ground color is white, with a chain patten of black, gold, lilac, or blue spots. Excellent pets. 7 pounds.
French Lop - Grows to 10 lbs when adult.
Flemish giant - Average is 12 lbs for bucks, 14 for does, but a rabbit weighing up to 22 lbs have been shown! Shows up around 1860. In the UK the only recognized shade is steel gray, but in the US there are many colors. Very laid back disposition. Came from a breed which is now extinct, the Patagonian. First bred for meat because it grows so fast. Great show animal and pet, but sometimes the bucks can be a little offish. The fur is glossy. Have a good tolerance for the cold outdoors.
Florida White - A new breed. Albino. 5 lbs.
Fox - Weighs about 6 lbs. First Foxes were shown in the early mid 19's. Foxes can be known as Black Foxes, Silver Foxes, etc.
Harlequin- Has many stripes that come in different types. Black and yellow are the most common. Came from France. Very unusual looking. Also known as the Japanese. 8 lbs.
Himalayan - 5 lbs. One of the oldest and came from the Far East. In Europe it is known as the "Russian", and at one time in Britain was known as the " Chinese." Makes an excellent pet. Color of the coat tends to fade with age.
Havana - From Holland. Rich chocolate color, very pretty. Eyes are ruby red.
Holland Lop - 4 lbs. Also known as the netherland dwarf lop.
Hotot - Eight to Eleven pounds.
Jersey Wooley - 3 1/2 lbs
The Lilac - This rabbit really is a dove gray colored bun. ( Can be pinkish ) Very friendly bunny; reaches 6 1/2 lbs. Mainly a meat producer.
The Lop - My favorites! :) Probably developed in England. The ears of a lop may reach up to 28 inches! The average weight is 6 1/2 lbs, but depending on the type of lop they are 3 to 12 lbs. Another good thing about lops for pets besides their adorable ears is that they can be any color combination. Please see specifics for more detail. ( Ex: American Fuzzy Lop, Holland Lop, Mini Lop,English Lop, French Lop )
Mini Lop - 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 lbs.
Netherland Dwarf- I know everyone's seen these! Smallest rabbit breed ( 2 lbs ) and the most popular pet rabbit. Developed from the Polish breed, from Holland. There are twenty one varieties and they come in every color!
New Zealand - Bred in the USA for meat. Fast growing ( up to 9 lbs ) Black new zealands are black, and Regular new Zealands are white with red eyes.
New Zealand Red- Made from a mutation of Flemish Giants crossed with Belgian Hares. American Version is 9 lbs. Coat is dark orange- red and cannot be used for fur production because of it's harsh texture.
Palomino- Mainly for meat . Golden and lynx variety. Eight to eleven pounds.
Polish - What Netherland dwarfs came from. Weighs 2 1/2 lbs. Not an easy breeder.
Rex Rabbit - First appeared in 1919 from a Frenchman named M. Caillon. Dark chestnut colored ones are known as the Castor Rex. The Rex has long, stiff hairs. Because of this, breeders tried to create a number of rex rabbits. You can now get Chinchillas, Havanas, Himalayans, Sables, Dutch, and the English breeds in Rex form. The Astrex rex has a wavy coat. Rexes are medium sized.
Rhinelander-eight and a half pounds, white with black and orange spots.
Sable - Comes in two types, the Siamese and the Marten. Weighs 6 lbs. Coat is sought after by furrers.
Satin - Came about because of a mutation, similiar to what happened in producing the Rex rabbit. 7 lbs.
Siberian - Made for fur production but it's fur never gained popularity the way it was supposed to have. Comes in many singular colors; sometimes seen in shows.
The Silver - 6 lbs when grown. Popular at shows as make great pets.
The Smoke Pearl - Came from the Sables breed. The back is a dark smoky brown. The face, ears and feet are also dark colored. The Marten smoke pearl has a white belly and lateral white ticking. Very pretty bunnies.
Tan - Produced accidently by mixing domestic rabbits with wild stock buns during the 1880's. 4 1/2 lbs. Popular for showing.