Rabbits are wonderful companions and one of God's gifts to our lives. There's nothing more amusing than watching an energy spurt from a household friend or seeing that leap in the air with the hind legs clicking together. Who can stay mad at a rabbit that somehow finds it's way into your garbage can over and over again? And it's pretty much impossible not to marvel at this small animal with huge feet, a large backside, a small head, floppy ears, and a nose that moves a mile a minute.
This site is new, but continuously growing, so pull up a chair and take a look around at what I've done so far.
A list of diseases and the symptoms
Different breeds of rabbits available
Coming soon!
What to know before purchasing your rabbit from a pet store
Why you should spay and neuter
Young children and rabbits
Indoor rabbits versus outdoor rabbits
Proper food and diet to ensure the best health possible
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