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A "Broken" Bunny

By Dana Krempels

scooter - bunny on wheelThe little grey bunny was brought to Country Club Animal Hospital with a severely luxated spine. Having lost the use of his hind legs due to the injury, he dragged himself around by his front legs. The man who brought him in said that he had found him in the front yard, and had brought him in to be euthanized.

The staff at the hospital took one look at the little brown eyes, so full of life, and stretched out their hands, to be greeted with endless bunny kisses. Dr. Karen Rabin and Ms. Donna Hernandez decided that this little guy simply wasn't ready to pass on yet.

Over the next few days, with plenty of trial and error, they fashioned a little rolling cart from a tupperware dish (with a hole cut in the bottom for pellets and peepee to fall through) and the wheels from a child's toy. Strapped into his little hot rod with a body harness and some laces, "Scooter" could zip around the hospital's pet supply shop as quickly and easily as a normal rabbit!

It wasn't long before the local news media got wind of Scooter's story, and he graced the evening news for two days on CBS in Miami and across the nation! Phone calls from all over started to pour in, and Scooter has now found a safe home where he will receive all the attention and high maintenance that he'll need for a happy life.

Scooter is one of the few broken "Easter Bunnies" who has a happy (well, perhaps bittersweet) ending to his story. Thousands of others who were given as Easter toys are already dead or dying from lack of proper care and from rough handling by well-meaning children who are simply not appropriate companions for a delicate little rabbit. Scooter says, "Please tell everyone not to buy rabbits for children at Easter or for any other occasion. They could end up like me! And although I'm a happy little guy, I really would prefer to not ever have been "broken" in the first place."

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