Baby Brooke Miller

Look at this little angel! Isn't she just the cutest little baby? Brooke will turn six months old on October 7, 2000.

Proud Great-Aunt, Cindy, cherishes each Monday off from work when she gets to babysit for Brooke's parents Tony and Jessica. Brooke has learned to roll over and scoot around (but can't quite crawl yet) and loves to lie on her Daddy's lap and watch the races on television. On the 4th of July, Brooke enjoyed her first fireworks display on the waterfront.

Grandparents I.D. and Ellie finally got to see little Brooke in person for the first time when they went to Florida in June. Aunt Bonnie, Uncle James and cousin Shawn hope to get their first visit with baby Brooke when they get some vacation time after the first of the year.

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