new room

New Room

Becky: I know this doesn’t look very impressive BUT! I’ve been working on the playroom area, trying to get it arranged so that the girls can have this space again and have a “hang out area,” as Lily puts it. So I’ve finally got their shelves cleaned up and organized, and I was even able to hook up their old princess tv and play dvd’s on it again! Here is Lily in her rocking chair, enjoying some SpongeBob

New Room

Laurie: That looks great, Becky!! I’m sure that took a lot of hard work, to turn that space into a “hang out area” again. I bet it feels really good to have that done.

Becky: I’m not done yet, Rose wants to move her ginormous art table in there, and all her art supplies. It’s taken me several days to achieve this.

Laurie: That does look extremely impressive!! You and the girls have accomplished a LOT together! That room looks amazing, and they must both be so happy, to have that area to hang out and watch tv and do art and whatever they want.

Reporter: Linda Robinson

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October Stories

The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection:     The new room belongs to Lily and Rose.