

When Jamie came to visit Ellie, she thought it would be fun to have a bonfire.

Had to get some assistance in fire building from our resident Eagle Scout (Dwight)
I think Lily might be part lizard. It was so cold out there, even with the fire blazing, but she was never cold.

Lily wasn’t wearing a jacket or a hat, only a hoodie, and she never said she felt cold! She and I sat out there together for hours, listening to oldies music and chatting about all kinds of stuff. Becky brought her a blanket at one point, but she mostly used it as a cushion on her little camp chair, not to cover up with! I’m so glad we got to do that together tonight. It was fun!! (Even though Jamie never did join us.)

Reporter: Laurie Paulsen

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February Stories

The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection: Dwight and Lily are the children of Becky and Dave. Jamie is Ellie's friend.